تتخذ كريس جينر الموقف أثناء محاكمة بلاك شينا للتشهير وتروي إخبارها عن التهديد بالقتل الذي وجهته شينا ضد ابنتها كايلي جينر. يشاهد. القصة الكاملة: #KrisJenner #BlacChyna #ENews الاشتراك: عن E! الأخبار: ه! يقدم لك فريق الأخبار آخر الأخبار العاجلة المتعلقة بالترفيه والموضة والثقافة الشعبية. يضم شرائح حصرية وأبرز المشاهير وتقارير الاتجاهات والمزيد، E! القناة الإخبارية هي الوجهة الوحيدة التي يحتاج عشاق ثقافة البوب إلى البقاء على اطلاع بها. تحميل E! تطبيق الأخبار للحصول على أحدث أخبار المشاهير ومقاطع الفيديو الرائجة: عروضك وأفلامك المفضلة وغير ذلك الكثير موجودة هنا. البث الآن على الطاووس. تواصل مع E! الأخبار: قم بزيارة E! موقع الأخبار: مثل E! الأخبار على الفيسبوك: تحقق من E! أخبار على إنستغرام: تابعوا E! أخبار على تويتر: كريس جينر يدلي بشهادته حول تهديد الموت المزعوم من بلاك شينا | ه! أخبار
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45 تعليق
Plastic surgery doesn't fit for everyone.
Chyna has such a weird face .
None of the Kardashian have proof!!!! It's all hear say!!!
Cannot wait for this case to be dismissed. She's just trying to collect a paycheck get to work woman that's a real paycheck
Playing with a rapper and stripper, now lawsuit. Hope they realize they need to stay out the hood
Funny how Kris is fake concerned about her piggy bank- I mean her daughters well being yet she allowed her to date a whole adult when she was a 16 year old minor.
Omg the plastic is real and disgusting
That bih China nutty af just like her mom… The Kardashians should have never trusted her
He can get her on charges. Just lock her up. Just because your famous doesn't give you the right to threaten people with their lives.
I hope this is resolved properly. Dream deserves the best
It's funny how you didn't say much about the testimony.
Plastic Chyna , too young for those surgeries.
They are all unattractive, chopped up looking individuals in need of lots of therapy.
What sense does it make to continue the show if Rob and Chyna are not together and a restraining order in place that they couldn't be within 100 ft of each other, there's NO l logic in that. Chyna broke up with Rob that means she quit her job… Point Blank
Chyna didn't even like Rob that way she probably, just wanted to get back at Tyga. Now I would watch a reality with just Rob there's something about Rob K. Done with the girls same old thing.
I don’t understand DIDNT they broke up before the end of season I. And who wants to watch so much violence. I am sorry she needs to work she only sees HER children twice a week all the other five days she can be hustling like other normal person.
Black indv was there just for the $$$
why did she sue all members of the family? why not just kris because she is the executive producer and E network
Why wasn't something done then? Why wait so long about a threat so serious.
Besides isn't this about defamation?
Both have too much fillers in da face
How could it be a second season of Rob and Chyna if there wasn't Rob and Chyna?
God only knows what's hiding under the sheets.
So it’s about money after all. They’re all crazy.
They broke up and were violent freaks. Who cares. Lol
No wonder people don't flock to see circuses anymore. We have these Hollyweirdos and "celebrities" to provide freakish entertainment.
This heathen family must be ignored for godsake
Very Very sad hmmmmm????
The name Kardashian-Jenner is pure diamonds to the media world, competing against one another for this one, and the fact, a black woman singlehandedly standing up to them,
E would emphasize what kris Kenner said they’re on the payroll lol
If ALL of these people went away forever, that'd be great.

Chyna is a snake. She was using rob and then broke up. Now she would hold into anything to get money from this ppl
So, did Chyna have plastic surgery to intentionally look like she has D-syndrome or was she born with it
Some of them did not even have a real high school diploma,but A Ged . This is American Most powerful family. SHOW THE WORLD YOUR DEGREES.
Them: "She had Rob's baby for the money " (….lol!)
The Truth: He should have wrapped it up, a woman doesn't get pregnant by herself.
They all hoe's, they all had out of wedlock babies, (except kim) and none of them can keep a man. The sad reality is; people hate on a rags to riches story such as Blac Chyna's. I'm rooting for her on this one.
Raise your hand if you think Blac Chyna totally did it?
If you think Kris Lied, why and whats the motive?
These so-called women. All they do is take…take…TAKE.
Chyna should win the case
Chyna is ghetto
Mara what's wrong with Chyna? She hit the jackpot and flushed it down the toilet smh
Another Rich African-American who screams at the top of her lungs that she wants even more.
Tisa Tells is a more real convo
What proves that her daughter is telling the truth? Stop destroying this woman for no reason. They treats men in their lives like Kings then treat women differently I don't get it.