لقد سئمت جدًا من سماح Blac Chyna لأمها بإطلاق النار علي وهي تجلس وتلعب دور البراءة، للحصول على رد، لقد مرت سنوات وما زال ليس لديك أي شيء يحدث لنفسك وتريد الاستمرار في خوض المعارك هنا. هل نسيت أنني شاهدتك تفعل نفس الشيء بتخزين عدد من النساء، ولست مستعدًا لتسمية الأسماء، ونشر الأكاذيب يحاول إثارة استيائي، وكمية الصفحات المزيفة بدأت تصبح مثيرة للشفقة! أشاهد باستمرار أرى الأنماط كما قلت مثيرة للشفقة !! لماذا ترسل أشخاصًا إلى مجموعات البث المباشر الخاصة بي لمضايقتي وعندما لا أرد، يقومون بتخزين صفحتي بالتعليقات والرسائل المباشرة. كمية الطاقة السلبية التي تنفقها بينك وبين والدتك، ربما تحتاجني حقًا لأنه لا يبدو أن هناك أي شيء آخر يدفع لك أي أهمية. أنت حزين لاستمرارك في وخز شخص سمح لك بالرحيل، وخاصة الأكاذيب المجنونة التي لا تزال تُقال لك. بعض الأشياء التي تقولها لا تصلني حقًا، لكنني فقط أطلب السماح لي بذلك. لماذا لا تظهر على المعجبين فقط أو تصنع فيديو موسيقي آخر. أنت لا تريد مني أن أبدأ في البحث عنك حقًا. أنت عاهرة الاهتمام، ربما هذا ما تريد مني أن أفعله، البحث عن أسباب لزيارة شخص ما إلى صفحتك، أنت حزين وأمك أيضًا، لقد سئمت منكما. اذهب وعيش حياتك وحاول الحفاظ على شهرتك فلا أحد يحبك ولست الملوم! أنت تدع العالم يرى من أنت حقًا، أنت لا تتخيلني على مراحل، بل تعتقد أنك كذلك. لدي رسالة لك سأقولها غدا. |موقع قفشات
لقد سئمت جدًا من سماح Blac Chyna لأمها بإطلاق النار علي وهي تجلس وتلعب دور البراءة، للحصول على رد، لقد مرت سنوات وما زال ليس لديك أي شيء يحدث لنفسك وتريد الاستمرار في خوض المعارك هنا. هل نسيت أنني شاهدتك تفعل نفس الشيء بتخزين عدد من النساء، ولست مستعدًا لتسمية الأسماء، ونشر الأكاذيب يحاول إثارة استيائي، وكمية الصفحات المزيفة بدأت تصبح مثيرة للشفقة! أشاهد باستمرار أرى الأنماط كما قلت مثيرة للشفقة !! لماذا ترسل أشخاصًا إلى مجموعات البث المباشر الخاصة بي لمضايقتي وعندما لا أرد، يقومون بتخزين صفحتي بالتعليقات والرسائل المباشرة. كمية الطاقة السلبية التي تنفقها بينك وبين والدتك، ربما تحتاجني حقًا لأنه لا يبدو أن هناك أي شيء آخر يدفع لك أي أهمية. أنت حزين لاستمرارك في وخز شخص سمح لك بالرحيل، وخاصة الأكاذيب المجنونة التي لا تزال تُقال لك. بعض الأشياء التي تقولها لا تصلني حقًا، لكنني فقط أطلب السماح لي بذلك. لماذا لا تظهر على المعجبين فقط أو تصنع فيديو موسيقي آخر. أنت لا تريد مني أن أبدأ في البحث عنك حقًا. أنت عاهرة الاهتمام، ربما هذا ما تريد مني أن أفعله، البحث عن أسباب لزيارة شخص ما إلى صفحتك، أنت حزين وأمك أيضًا، لقد سئمت منكما. اذهب وعيش حياتك وحاول الحفاظ على شهرتك فلا أحد يحبك ولست الملوم! أنت تدع العالم يرى من أنت حقًا، أنت لا تتخيلني على مراحل، بل تعتقد أنك كذلك. لدي رسالة لك سأقولها غدا. |موقع قفشات
50 تعليق
You are a natural beauty and a very sincere person. Its her loss to lose you as a friend
Wow!! How Queen
Treasure What Can I Say!! From Watching The Black Chyna Episodes From The Show!! You're A Real One!! For Having That Friendship Of Blac Chyna Since Day One ( 1 ). From Being In Washington DC To All The Way To Los Angeles!! And How The Producers Of The Blac Chyna Script Rewrote The Script To Get You Knicked Off The Show!! That's Ashame!! How All The Prducers And Blac Chyna Coming For You And Picking On You For No Reason!! ( They Owe You Millions Of Dollars 
). Keep Going High 
It's so scary how u were talking about her years later
I was also betrayed by a best friend. There’s so much talk about toxic relationships and not enough about toxic friendships. Some people will never take accountability for the hurt they cause, but long as you stay true to yourself and who you are in your heart, you can never lose.. you’ll only win in life

That’s true loyalty on your side
So proud of you for accepting the kardashain proposal to join forces with them to fight her or bring her down.Much love from Ghana
I love and admire this woman Treasure!!..
Love you Treasure ..God bless you and you will be blessed ..keep doing what your doing..
Just forget about Angela’s funny looking behind Get over it Boo.
Good girl
Good girl
One thing I like your videos you do come back & READ your comments and give a like if it’s something positive respectful
keep winning out here in these streets and most definitely I would be on the look out for you on the big screen flowing your dreams !
I love all this positive energy
I love all your videos keep going ! Hopefully you and Angela get back to the beginning of y’all friendship b4 the internet!
No way I would pit my energy and spirit in this mess peace of mind is the best LET THEM GO ….
China has changed so why this wow wow
This is jealous sprit she has moved in with the Lord she needs no one
God bless you and I know you are above that evil energy. God knows our hearts and everyone will answer for their deeds.
You told it alllllll
What are you missed treasure I have missed you talk to me let me know something that you are okay
I pray you ladies repair your friendship. I pray you do not let money come between us and she gives you interest realizing your relationship is worth so much more
God loves you dear, ure a child of God, thanks for loving ureself treasure
Treasure you are a precious Gem
& nothing & no one can keep you from your destiny. I am so sorry you’ve had to endure everything you have, to get to your higher self. Just know, that God has the last laugh & final say, & @ the end of the day, although ship wrecked, tossed & cast away, she’s a treasured gem indeed, & 2 any negativity or bad karma, plz just go away!!
love you my libra sis, continue great success in jesus.
Treasure you got me crying
I relate to all this.
I feel you I was friends with mines for thirty years. I never saw who she really was until recently. Constantly egged me on and the nicer I was the more rude she got until I could not take it anymore. My heart been broken
I just don't understand.
Team treasure FR
You are beautiful & I miss your videos ! I wish I had a friend like treasure
I believe you. I've personally been through stuff like. Narcissists & narcissistic ppl are the weakest link on this earth. I used to feel so sorry for them, but not anymore. They know what they be doing. And yes, they know how to manipulate & put the battery in others backs to attack you. Their dumbass minions don't realize the perpetrator will soon turn on them too. The perpetrator uses them to do the dirty work for them. While they coward away hiding out. These ppl are pathetic & a waste of space
I see your perpetrator getting some karma tho
You're an inspiration. Keep inspiring

Hey Treasure, this was so beautiful and very impactful. I’m sorry you experienced what you shared but God always has a ram in the bush! (A way of escape) God did just that! I’m proud and happy for you!

God don't bless no mess
That is why she is struggling.
Pray daily
for mental and emotional strength. Stop thinking about her or talking about her. Karma will take care of her over time. Your a beautiful young lady and God will blessed you.
Love you boo thank you!!!

Chyna and her mother are so sad! She will do anything to try to be famous. I pray the Kardashians chew her up and spit her out!! May God continue to bless you Treasure! We support you
Respect! From Ireland

You were the best thing to happen to China. She will not find another person in her life that helped her in the way that you did. Physically mentally emotionally and spiritually.
God Bless you Treasure
First and foremost, God
is good all the time, I know exactly what you mean an going through, I've been there, just pray because the prayers go up and the blessings come down, it hurts please give it to God 
lots of love to you and my name is Bonnie lisa
This is so weird and embarrassing who makes a whole letter ? Lmaooo
God bless you
GO AWFFFFF SISSSSS!!!! I wish you were still on the East Coast, MD viewer over hereee!
Baby your spirit is so freaking bright! You’re such a refreshing soul. I love watching you and your videos. I don’t pay a lot of attention to Hollyweird like that so I’m late to all this. But today I caught up on all of it.
How anyone can watch or listen to you and create or say you’re the one with any type of false narrative is just insane.
You took the high road Queen, your vibe is just everythingggg! Following you on all accounts now!
You have such a greater purpose, if ever you’re back on the East Coast, it’d be super dope to meet you! (I don’t know if you’ll ever see this comment) but you have my support and respect!
You are a beautiful woman and may God bless you with the desire of your heart!!! You came a long way and keep going so don’t let people distract you…God is going to bless you more than you know!!!!
Treasure you are a light..that girl and her mama are so miserable she did you a favor she didnt deserve a friend like you it's so sad hurt broken people do hurt others keep thriving and shining your light is bright
This made me cry…. Peace be with you chica!
God Bless you. Just know chyna was doing her job. She was placed in your life as a lesson on your journey. Is as healers have to go through so much hurt from people we love so that we can grow to heal others. Be glad you healed yourself so now you can heal others . I too have been through this with family and friends. I had to release so many people in the last two years. God is with us . Our mission is greater than how they tried to play us. Sending you love and light my sister. You are a warrior!
Why don’t you just simply sue for the money you’re owed? Even without a contract you still have your participation as proof and nothing in writing saying that you agreed to do it for free.
And I find it funny how Chyna , the Kardashians and many newbies with your facial looks
now that's black girl majic 

You were truly a good friend and a solid person through it all. People like us are a rare breed. You dont want any gain. You just want to tell your side of the story. I wish you well and the best in everything you do. Keep shining and grinding. #DC 202