اشترِ قهوة CAST BREW لدعم العرض – كن عضوًا واحمِ عملنا في المضيف: Tim Pool @Timcast (في كل مكان) الضيوف: Alex Stein @AlexStein99 (X) Josh Seiter @josh_seiter_official (Instagram) المنتجون: Lisa Elizabeth @LisaElizabeth (X) Kellen Leeson @KellenPDL (X) قناتي الثانية – قناة البودكاست – |موقع قفشات


43 تعليق

  1. Ok, I'll admit it; I didn't like Josh Seiter after I have watched his video clips everywhere, my opinions about him was that he was a hypocrite and a disgusting guy, but after having watched this whole podcast, I've changed my mind; He changed my mind. He has changed my mind so much that I'm willing to call he a she and a Woman with a capital W. A lesbian woman, because she's into women.
    Because she's a likable and smart woman, who have great thoughts, morals, dignity, are respectful and is very reflective about all the hypocrisy the left is representing, not only to every one else who's an inch to the right of them, but also the hypocrisy they show to themselves and their kind.
    To be honest, I could live beside people like her, without any problems, because it's all about respect for each other, and that goes both ways, and that is not what the Left is showing, by forcing their respect and rules down out throats.
    Kudos to her.

  2. I thought he meant a large chest full of dresses until he finished he meant his actual chest..
    What a character to hold in reality.
    David Blaine is fuming you thought of this first.
    He is still holding his breath!

  3. I believe everything that the medical community says but the illness is on the medical community to treat mental disorders and They're doing it wrong

    I'll give him credit for committing but you can't say he's a great actor he cand stay on one side of a point

  4. I'm kinda split. I do think he's doing a stunt but part of me thinks he's serious. If he is serious then there were some very awkward moments in this thing. It would mean he sat there and bit his tongue when they implied he was faking it, he's way too polite lol. I really do think he's making a point though and not actually "trans"

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