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9 تعليقات

  1. I watched all of it and everyone is saying chyna lost chyna dint have a case. The jury found her right apart from kim but she won the others it was the judge who said she didn't have a case for any money. Wich don't make sense that is why she wants a different judge with her case against rob. She is appealing and so she should.

  2. The only resin why she had a kid by rob Kardashian is so she can be famous from their name. She has nothing going for her and for her and her mother they need to go back to the drawing board and find something else they are good at. Lmao

  3. She didn't have a case. Their toxic relationship was over so I don't know why she thinks there should be a 2nd season. She is the come up Queen!! Money is all she cares about. Rob has Dream 6 days a week & Tyga has King 6 days a week. She can't even be bothered with her own kids. Which I think she had just to get, keep, or get money from their fathers. She is a disgrace to all women.

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