دخل روب وشينا في معركة كبيرة ، لكنهما يتصالحان في الوقت المناسب ليظهران جنبًا إلى جنب لحفلة عيد ميلاد كلوي. #kuwtk #keepingupwiththekardashians #eenturness #kimkardashian #khloekardashian #kourtneykardashian #kyliejenner #kendalljenner #krisjenner الاشتراك: حول مواكبة الكارداشيين: “الحفاظ على الكارداشيان”. فقط ه! لديه قصة لا توصف وراء كل لحظة كارداشيان وكل لحظة أكبر مما تعلم. تواصل مع Kardashians: تفضل بزيارة موقع Kuwtk: شاهد الحلقة الكاملة Kuwtk :: مثل Kuwtk على Facebook: اتبع Kuwtk على Twitter: اتبع Kuwtk على Instagram: About E! الترفيه: ه! هو على نبض ثقافة البوب ، حيث جلب المشجعين أفضل المحتوى الأصلي بما في ذلك سلسلة الواقع والبرمجة الموضعية والعروض الخاصة الحصرية وأخبار الترفيه الكسر والمزيد. لا يمكن للمشاهدين العاطفيين الحصول على ما يكفي من ثقافة البوب لدينا بما في ذلك “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” و “Total Divas” و “Cavallari”. ومع برمجة أصلية جديدة في الطريق ، فإن المشجعين لديهم المزيد للحب. مواكبة كارداشيان. تيار الآن على الطاووس. تواصل مع E! الترفيه: زيارة E! الموقع: مثل E! على Facebook: تحقق من E! على Instagram: اتبع E! على Twitter: اتبع E! على Spotify: “مواكبة Kardashians” Katch-up S12 ، EP.16 | ه!
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46 تعليق
Two faced kloe she was gutted that she was pregnant lol
Chyna is actually really nice
Khloe just wants everyone to fight and mess everything like her surgeries messed her up
Peep the signs Khloe had in the thumbnail
Did you notice Kim sticking her butt out
I think you support both of them, you are a kind woman and show respect for the relationship, but sometimes people do not appreciate all that you do for them. I like to see that Kardashians are not judgemental and respect sexuality and everyone choices. I would love to see that you get involved in a charity project internationally, You have a big potential to help people and change their own lives.
Way to sell your soul Kloe! Throwing up the 666 and the circle around the eye and sticking out your red devil tongue!
U can the fake on Blac Chyna's face impressions lol
What about kourtney
Is it me or when khloe is with 2 people it's always Kendall And Scott? Squad goals
Alright so where’s joe’s homie mal at?
I like when they all just get along
How can they live being so fake n pretending in front of camera for soooo long
maybe really emotionally draining, but then they mastered d art real good 
the Kardashian like to be with black people
their interaction with chyna is cringeworthy am i the only one who feels awkward
blue california?
Throwing up the 666 like there's no tomorrow I see you khloe
Khloe squad
I love the beat of the song they had
ewwwwww untalented person with no purpose in life…(I cant wait to see the triggered middle schoolers get baited from this comment)
Kim looks great for 70 years old
Khloe is my favorite she is the most down to earth was probably bullied and now she is on top! I love her and she has gone thru way more than her sisters you can just tell .
It's fucked up when khole says " if chyna wasn't here I don't think rob would've came " like wtf .
I can't stop laughing at Kim's booty dance at 1:37

poor Rob. everyone can see from miles away she doesn't love him…m
not much food gets past that kim, without her takeing a bite
where is episode 17 ?
I believe the baby not rob its tyga
Keeming Up With The Keemstars.
Where can I watch seasons 9-12 if I don't have E! in my country?
ne kadar geniş mezhepler yuh artik
I love kim n khoe so much I pray that one day I will see thm they are my role model
muito bom esse programa eu não perco um dia
why are these slors famous? if u enjoy this show your a braindead sheep
Rob has gotten fater
When some u like watches dis and u like wtf
Kim yo a hobbit
chyna and kanye west dafaq the family is now locations
ugh so illuminated
saw that instagram picture
on bomarag
Kim always had som going for her even befo fame and tha tape she had tha fashion and regardless she still had a good amount prolly lived comfy even without men so she ain't a ho and even tho she release a twerk video that was amazing she still 95% of tha time present herself like a sexual lady emphasis on lady 5% is for pleasure
honestly I really didn't like Kim but she's proving to be more and more mature and likable nowadays.
Kourtney is the only normal Kardashian. She should change her kids names to Kardashian so trash sc_m Black Stripper doesn't destroy the Kardashian legacy.
Did anybody see the Illuminati hand gestures and illuminati hand symbolism that Khloe made?! It's the "666", Mark of the Beast, hand symbolism that people in the Hollywood industry make to show their allegiance and worship of Satan, the devil, and Lucifer. She's definitely evil. Absolutely disgusting people. That Black Stripper girl that Rob knocked up is a complete sc_m.