قناة رد الفعل الخاصة بي: Instagram: Deeshanell (Instagram.com/deeshanell) علاقة Blac Chyna السامة مع والدتها Tokyo Toni | رد فعل |موقع قفشات
قناة رد الفعل الخاصة بي: Instagram: Deeshanell (Instagram.com/deeshanell) علاقة Blac Chyna السامة مع والدتها Tokyo Toni | رد فعل |موقع قفشات
35 تعليق
14:42 That's why parents are sent to nursing homes.
Tokyo Toni is full of demons.
Allowing your yongest under age daughter to date a grown man not right!
I dont even knkw why all her other grown children to even allow it to hapoen they call her out in everything else kris does! And also the whole making an agreement with that guy for jim to sell the taoes iver to gim for $$$$…..
Devil shit..how is a parent noraml even doing that type shit!!
If Rib was still alive no way in gell thus family would be famous the way they are now..Rob a real man never would ever allow such things to happen
Rbuce tried but because thats their step dad ….they have no resicet for him ever! Just sad…soo Bruce said fuck it ima become a woman and be the real person u been wanting to be all his life.
That part of the tatto is false that is not the devil that is baphomet which has existed way before Christianity also he is the deity of duality
“ the crack is crackin”

Her mum is so concerned with the devil, yet she cant get off the crack.
“what do they want with you ? you think they want you as a member ?” LMFAO dee
“This is making me uncomfortable “ I was looking away laughing

Her mom be mad because she don’t get money from chyna … her mom is somewhat funny but she’s nastyyyy. What’s even more sad about the black community is that a lot of black people are on her side . The black community is toxic and the parenting is to . I’m so glad that this generation is breaking them demonic weird ahhs family habits. Enough is enough
Look at him desperate to get in. Dee too funny

The crack is cracking lmaoooo dead
She might be schizophrenic or using meth…because woah…
Gary from dish nation wasn’t wrong
She's a narcissist. Period.
Chyna's mom is worst then the devil bitch doing anything and everything for some views and attention
5:58 that isn't the devil this white demon doesn't know what he's talking about that baphomet whos symbolizes equality and balance and some say the divine feminine and the divine masculine and IS NOT EVIL in fact the knights Templar used to worship it
Im not in the illumimate

who she lookin at
I aint sayin tyga didnt mess with an under aged kyli but since when did niggas mad baby mamas count as reliable sources

Dee I think Tokyo is addicted to weed and pills not crack. You know the pill heads are narcissistic and very judgemental.
I will never get tired of Dees reactions

Her mother is wild. I feel for Chyna.
Did he say he was in LA? Did he say he had a lot of “Hollywood” friends?
Her momma is the one that needs therapy and a extreme makeover.
My mom was similar to Angela's mom smdh I think narc abuse is an epidemic no one talks about!!! That sh*t will kill your soul and give you complex PTSD
I dont believe sh*t SLOAN says ever since he made that inaccurate as hell Victoria Justice video lmaooo but yea Tokyo Toni is a damn pathetic narcissist
No matter how crazy Toni is, Id take her anytime over this Jason guy. He is just beyond.
When I first saw clips of them together I thought that was one of her friends lol I can’t believe that’s her mum
Toni brung up chyna getting hit from the back because she got that evil tattoo on her butt
Sad to say this is a lot of mothers in our community. And most times the mothers hate the child more than the deadbeat baby daddy.
The crack is cracking

I cant even imagine having a parent like Tokyo Toni
toni is givin major crackhead energy
Blac Chyna’s mother needs serious help. Like part of me feel she doesn’t even have a home….idk but her being an only child makes me so much sadder for how her mom treats her. It’s seriously sad..Chyna deserves love.