#tokyotoni تحطيم البكاء #Blacchyna دعاها أخيرًا و #mganjames و #Tokyo تعزز بعد تسرب رقم الهاتف الآخر على الإنترنت الاشتراك: www.youtube.com/c/thegoldenwoman paypal: thegoldenwoman14@gmail.com App Cash App: $ Queenmyway: f: i: |موقع قفشات


12 تعليق

  1. Sometimes for your own mental health and safety you have to love family from afar. I HOPE Angela chooses herself and her children first.

    WE as a community have to stop thinking that just because youre blood that abuse physical or emotional should be accepted because "you're family"….I wish for Angela only PEACE.

  2. Angela is better than me ! The enemy can be your MOTHER too! I would never want her in my life & especially my Childrens lives! Mental illness is REAL .. Tokyo needs to seek help 🤦🏽‍♀️

  3. She is a narcissist. She spends all her time bashing Angela and speaking I’ll of her and now she’s crying because she got a call only for her to be recording for clout. She messed up their relationship and never takes accountability for what she has done. Her recording the conversation is the reason why Angela doesn’t reach out it’s all for attention. In order for their relationship to become better they need therapy and maybe include god in their lives instead of the internet

  4. Angela has the patience of a saint bc mother or not there’s no way I could ever try to have a relationship with her. I’d rather be an orphan than have have Toni as a mother. I agree with you about her crying, it always seems so fake to me. She can’t even let this moment be private and just between them. Imo she don’t want her daughter as much as she wants the attention and money and that is so sad.

  5. All I've ever wanted was for them to have a beautiful relationship That's a black woman and a black daughter and I wish them nothing but the best Peace love and blessings in a hope I hope they get it together well I hope Tokyo gets together cuz I know she loves her daughter and her daughter loves her 👑👑💯🙏🌹💜💜💜❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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