تم بث هذا الفيديو على أخبار KTLA 5 في 5 في 2 مايو 2022. »اشترك في KTLA: KTLA تم إبقاء سكان جنوب كاليفورنيا على اطلاع منذ عام 1947. ستجد هنا مقاطع من KTLA 5 Morning News وغيرها من الأخبار اليومية. اشترك في قناتنا للأخبار العاجلة والفيديو المباشر من جنوب كاليفورنيا ، بما في ذلك مساعي الشرطة وحرائق الغابات وغير ذلك الكثير. | تواصل مع KTLA عبر الإنترنت | موقعنا على الويب: www.ktla.com اتبع KTLA على Twitter: www.twitter.com/ktla العثور على ktla على Facebook: www.facebook.com/ktla5 اتبع KTLA على Instagram: www.instagram.com/ktla5news |موقع قفشات
تم بث هذا الفيديو على أخبار KTLA 5 في 5 في 2 مايو 2022. »اشترك في KTLA: KTLA تم إبقاء سكان جنوب كاليفورنيا على اطلاع منذ عام 1947. ستجد هنا مقاطع من KTLA 5 Morning News وغيرها من الأخبار اليومية. اشترك في قناتنا للأخبار العاجلة والفيديو المباشر من جنوب كاليفورنيا ، بما في ذلك مساعي الشرطة وحرائق الغابات وغير ذلك الكثير. | تواصل مع KTLA عبر الإنترنت | موقعنا على الويب: www.ktla.com اتبع KTLA على Twitter: www.twitter.com/ktla العثور على ktla على Facebook: www.facebook.com/ktla5 اتبع KTLA على Instagram: www.instagram.com/ktla5news |موقع قفشات
التالي ايه خلف
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27 تعليق
they aint a couple tf
Beige that she can't use the Kardashian name That's some straight up racist s*** right there
This is when they need people like me on the jury because I would not waiver no one would be able to make me change my mind
First of all the Kardashians offered her some money which meant that they did exactly what she said there is some bias when it comes to these judges and a lot of times families with money can pay these judges. There's always corruption in these courtrooms with these judges and lawyers always.. some of your own lawyers that call themselves representing you will take a payout that's always been known to do they don't give black people proper representation in the courts they don't give black people proper treatment for medical but they take our insurance money they take our money that we give them to represent us and they get paid for doing nothing.
Really why walk her out if no one is there? the show itself was a waste of time it had nothing to it to keep going. Thank God, they took it off all it would have done would be to have other couples become more violent!
Good and very happy to hear it.
This is false. They just actually agreed that they did defame her, they just rules against her receiving financial damages for it. It was a “moral” win for Chyna. Which is weird and seems a bit unlawfully shady.
I know black chyna crying right now
That’s why they beat it over. Because Khris pulled some strings to let the elite know ..”wrap this case up in time for the met gala if y’all want us to participate in this seasons occult practices”..

Blac Whatever, start working girl. Work don't be lazy.
Back to the pole
That girl is just always about the M.O.N.E.Y.
Its ubelievable the jury agreed that the kardashians stopped chynas money from canceling the show and that She did not abuse Rob but she doesn't get any damages.Defamation is literally spreading information about someone that is not true and that information harms the person.The jury didn't understand injury because they ignored her potential earning capacity and just looked at what she earns. That's incorrect and not fair.That's why Chyna is appealing.
Watch Tisa Tells YouTube channel. She has the facts.
Fake news!!!There we’re evidence in court that they stopped her bag. The Kardashians bought the judge with money.
Lol good all that money she wasted on lawyers lol
Model…of what?
Good now go get a job
typical black stripper trying to hustle money
She tried it
I guess that means she's gonna have go get a job that pays big money.. hmmm like her first job that got her rich in the first place?
Now courtroom sketch person, you wrong!
who's bland gyna?
gynacoccaul infection