على الرغم من أفضل جهود Blac Chyna للتخلص من قراءة المقياس ، يدرك روب أنه زاد في وزنه-وليس سعيدًا. شاهدها على “Kuwtk: Rob and Chyna.” الاشتراك: حول ه! الترفيه: ه! هو على نبض ثقافة البوب ، حيث جلب المشجعين أفضل المحتوى الأصلي بما في ذلك سلسلة الواقع والبرمجة الموضعية والعروض الخاصة الحصرية وأخبار الترفيه الكسر والمزيد. لا يمكن للمشاهدين العاطفيين الحصول على ما يكفي من ثقافة البوب لدينا بما في ذلك “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” و “Total Divas” و “Cavallari”. مع البرمجة الأصلية في الطريق ، تتواصل مع Entertainment Entertainment.
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40 تعليق
This is how you know your Bad Niqqa rob was very overweight but still very handsome like he reminds me of me!
She was low key trying to be nice because the camera is here but I don't think when the camera is here… She's like this… AT ALL
His weight gain is down to mental health struggles..
Lol they cant use the same scale?
All I see is her being very aware of the camera.
He has been gaining weight for the past 8 years and still doesn’t know what to do 😂
Blac Chyna is a weirdo
She toxic asf I would never do that to my significant other
Rob is so cute.
I’m so glad the big giant booty by trend is going away it’s ridiculous
That boy needed a new set of eyeballs then, and he needs a new set of eyeballs now. Daaammmnnnn.
She seem that she really wanted to help him but he needed to put more effort too. I still think Rob is hot ! I would definitely give him some TLC
Chyna crazy
We need this show back
Did no one else notice she had her foot on the scale?
“Don’t get down” I felt that. 🫶🏾
Let’s see that is what gets me
I loved this show I wish the feelings were genuine
I hope this guy loses a lot of weight and gets hot and then people can leave them alone
Chynas butt is just 🤢🤢🤢🤢
Haha gaslighting at its finest lmaooooo
this is NOT a 20 pound weight gain. no hate it is probably like 60 pds
Damn they shut her show tf down and she still didn’t get any money out of em in the suit…po tink tink…get back on the pole crack chyna
Why didn’t he just have plastic surgery like his sisters if it bothered him that much
“they’re cute! they’re complicated…” “ARE YOU TEXTING OTHER BITCHES?!?! YES OR NO?!”
Sad he didn’t go to kourtneys wedding
Oh come one his family got money for him to get some type of a weight loss surgery he just chose not yo
Rob needs to lose weight, get his life together, and marry a traditional Armenian woman
he looked old than his age. Better do some exercise man.
This didn’t age well lol
She is so misshaped it's disgusting 🤮
Idk rob maybe hit the gym idk just a suggestion
yalllll these comments did not age well at ALL LMAOOOO
I dont understand celebrities like him and demi like how you have all this money and complain about your weight when you could just go and have a lipo?
But why black chyna pressed on that scale with her big toe to make it go higher 🧐😫
Rob still fine weight up or down
This is so sad that he feels so bad
I like how Chyna dead used to support Rob to her fullest ability