في الجزء الثاني من حديثنا ، ينضم إلينا Blac Chyna إلى دردشة Girl ، ونحن نتناول سبب صعوبة الأشخاص غير الحاسمين في تعويض عقولهم! تواصل معنا عبر الإنترنت اشترك للحصول على الأحدث: تفضل بزيارتنا على موقعنا على الويب: مثل/اتبع The Real على Facebook: اتبع The Real on Twitter: اتبع The Real على Instagram: #Blacchyna #Girlchat #Decisions |موقع قفشات


26 تعليق

  1. This question was pointless 😂 the real need better interviewing skills. The awkward silence and laughs be sending me. They have zero connection towards the guest if they don’t really like them or care what they really have going on

  2. Yall really in these comments trying to be messy. Yall need to grow tf up. 🙄 they always alternate the interviewers and loni and ade just did an interview. Nothing to see here. Yall always reaching

  3. I think the show was even more shady for just throwing Adrienne out of this interview. She’s been there for every other kardashian interview on show. They’re all adults. That was years ago. Come on now. 🙄

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