Wendy Williams Son Update – احصل على أحدث Deets على علاقتها وإساءة استخدام أموالها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تعود هالي بيري إلى المتصيدون الذين يقولون إنها لا تستطيع الاحتفاظ برجل ، ولدينا رائد الراب Sparky D في استوديو Dishin ‘حول حياتها المهنية ، والفيلم الوثائقي الجديد عن Fox Soul ، وأكثر من ذلك! تستضيف ضيف أنجيلا سيمونز الجميل معنا! قم باستماع المزيد عن نمط حياتها النباتي ، حيث نشأت كملوك الهيب هوب ، وكعك أنجيلا ، وأكثر من ذلك. لا تفوت هذا الطبق الجانبي! #Sideish #angelasimmons #wendywilliams #sparkyd #halleberry #sideishlive #sideishtv #eatangelascakes #veganlifestyle #dishnation الاشتراك: youtube.com/dishnation website: dishnation.com social: dishnation where to watch. حلقات
Wendy Williams Son Update – احصل على أحدث Deets على علاقتها وإساءة استخدام أموالها. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تعود هالي بيري إلى المتصيدون الذين يقولون إنها لا تستطيع الاحتفاظ برجل ، ولدينا رائد الراب Sparky D في استوديو Dishin ‘حول حياتها المهنية ، والفيلم الوثائقي الجديد عن Fox Soul ، وأكثر من ذلك! تستضيف ضيف أنجيلا سيمونز الجميل معنا! قم باستماع المزيد عن نمط حياتها النباتي ، حيث نشأت كملوك الهيب هوب ، وكعك أنجيلا ، وأكثر من ذلك. لا تفوت هذا الطبق الجانبي! #Sideish #angelasimmons #wendywilliams #sparkyd #halleberry #sideishlive #sideishtv #eatangelascakes #veganlifestyle #dishnation الاشتراك: youtube.com/dishnation website: dishnation.com social: dishnation where to watch. حلقات
31 تعليق
I JUST hit me….
Why are there NOOOOO men of color in cartoons!??
Beauty and fashion expert to whom? I wouldn't wish her life on my worse enemy.
Omg Sparky D. Wow! Always good to see rap royalty. Rap Legend.
Oh wow I almost didnt kmow Angela Simmons. She is a Rev. Run as a female. Beautiful.
imagining Tevin and Headcrack in their grey lululemon pants has me like

Lets f-ing GOOOOOOOOOOO Sparky!!!!! Loved this and loved Angela Simmons being there, love her!!!!
Wendy said she has someone there with her to speak about the things she can’t speak about because of legal matters. #freewendywilliams
Welcome back Wendy Williams!

She's sounding better and better the more I hear her. support is giving her strength!
Love Angela Simmons
she looks beautiful with the pink hair
I''m loving the GLAM guests you are bringing to Side Dish! Keep it going Headkrack and Tanner…very entertaining show!
Yessss sparky D
My goodness, that's wonderful rapping

Sparky D

Thanks Headkrack for stating the double standard men move from one woman to another and no one says they can't keep a woman. If Halle Berry wants to move to another it's her life and her choice, Period.
Yes Angela Simmons.. yes yall are giving fire
Need better quality video
Love Sparkey D
How you don't have your own shoes? You move to much is a pathetic lie
I loved Tuturo in Transformers!!! He was hilarious!!!

Shoutout To My Sister Sparky D Love You Sis
I still have my pair of Pastry kicks as well
Before Angela even said anything, I was like “Pass on Shaggy. He looks like he smells bad”.

Love you Sparky D appreciate you overcoming the bs.

God is Beyond Perfect
RIP Aciona DopeFairy74 Johnson
The interview with Run’s daughter was great. I never watched Run’s House originally but after this interview, I’m going to check it out.
Sparky D
man I’m over here praising God and Giving Him the Glory. Tears
To God Be Glory for Her
God makes no mistakes .. she was born for a time such as this 
My daughter had some of those cookie smelling shoes
Love the show I the chemistry between these 3. Ya’ll should definitely invite her back. She’s beautiful Angela hair and boots are

. Tanner and Angela has great chemistry
When y’all put the video screen on the right side I can never see anything over the live chat and I have no control over removing the chat from my screen on YouTube …