يخافون كلوي وكيم كارداشيان دور بلاك شينا في حياة شقيقهما. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، هل روب مدين للفتيات اعتذارًا؟ شاهد على “كارداشيان”. #kuwtk #keepingupwiththekardashians #eenturness #kimkardashian #khloekardashian #kourtneykardashian #kyliejenner #kendalljenner #krisjenner الاشتراك: حول مواكبة الكارداشيين: “الحفاظ على الكارداشيان”. فقط ه! لديه قصة لا توصف وراء كل لحظة كارداشيان وكل لحظة أكبر مما تعلم. تواصل مع Kardashians: تفضل بزيارة موقع Kuwtk: شاهد الحلقة الكاملة Kuwtk :: مثل Kuwtk على Facebook: اتبع Kuwtk على Twitter: اتبع Kuwtk على Instagram: About E! الترفيه: ه! هو على نبض ثقافة البوب ، حيث جلب المشجعين أفضل المحتوى الأصلي بما في ذلك سلسلة الواقع والبرمجة الموضعية والعروض الخاصة الحصرية وأخبار الترفيه الكسر والمزيد. لا يمكن للمشاهدين العاطفيين الحصول على ما يكفي من ثقافة البوب لدينا بما في ذلك “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” و “Total Divas” و “Cavallari”. مع البرمجة الأصلية في الطريق ، تتواصل مع Entertains Instagram: اتبع E على Twitter: Kuwtk |
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37 تعليق
Can’t wait for Diddy’s case to unfold further so the Kartrashes can find themselves in the garbage bin.
Keeping Up With The Kontradictions..smh. BYE.
Kim slaying with the contour of braids with that urban style!
Kim and khloe out of all people talking about loyalty is hilarious
Lol um the fact she said Kylie should know this… um did yall let Chyna know she was fn her man. Girl stfu. I wish Chyna would of knocked them out but she played it smart
khole wants the best for him, but refused another women having the capabilities of making him happy? yes you've TRY to helped him but you are not his women. you are a got damn sister! and china is what it took to change his life around…why try to block his blessings?? khole is toxic as hell and always refuse responsibilities which is why she changes her image every other day because she can't even except herself and I feel bad for her black daughter, she'll probably group wanting to bleach her skin to be a white women
Wait Rob should tell Kylie he's dating Chyna but Kim or Kylie didn't tell Chyna that Kylie was dating Tyga behind her back ???? Lmfaooo
Khlo should have stopped here with the surgery. She looks human here.
Khloe and Rob are my fav
The boy doesn't even spend Christmas w/ his family. And they're not concerned? The sisters are so self-absorbed with their image and own lives so…
You want him to tel you when he’s dating chyna but couldn’t tepl chyna when Kylie was dating tyga what logic does that make
Rob has no loyalty but Kim and Khloé teased and tore him down for years on camera.
Exes is exes for a reason, why in hell do he need anybody's permission 2 date some1 single?? And i can sre if he messing with some1 who also dated his sister that's a diffrent story but she neva messed with chyna..
Khloe LOVES drama
Funny how Chyna says she was disgusted with Robs fat body all over hers while they were intimate with each other
Ooo so much Drama
Pour les français donc c’est quoi ?
Khloe looks like she ate bees for breakfast
What I left sperm in a cup in the library buy my wife be at. Mail sperm to while in college and high school. So yeah, I feel ya. #MyBabies
Kim boobs

I swear every time I watch a video like this, khloe hasn’t blended after she baked and it’s annoying me
Kim looks weird with her shoulders
Khloe look like a man in a wig.
what blac chyna and tyga dated from 2011-2014 and kylie and tyga dated from 2013-2017 explainnnnnnnnnn
What the HELL is Kim wearing??
Edit: the hair is just as bad too
When he tries to talk to them they mock him and when he doesn’t they whine?
Kim tu es très jolie avec ce look

I love that they ask themselves questions
Like literally stop hating
Seriously? Kylie is the one who created the problem and they expect ROB to show KYLIE loyalty?
What did Kim pull out of her bra?
Wtf was Kim doing in the beginning
Chyna was just using Rob
Khloe concelear though
I’m starting to hate rob