In reality, its cool, it just hasn't become fashionable yet. I like it. Its an elegant mashup with streetwear, and a perfect intersection of her past and present asethetics, and though its alot of elements, she still looked better than most of us!. Snatched, sectioned, bridal, sporty. This is 3055, and we're not advanced enough to understand it yet.
People tell Kendall says Kylie looks good on purpose when she doesn’t look but I have to remind you that Kendall wore the same dress in black colour that night. 2 sisters wore the same dress and pose to the cameras. So, I don’t think Kendall didn’t like it otherwise she wouldn’t wear it.
39 تعليق
very unique outfit ❤❤
Why wouldn’t they be honest 😂??!!😂
I love yall Kendall and Kylie Jenner imma see yall very soon thank you Jesus for everything protecting us amen amen amen 🙏
Kendal camel toe was lit!
استغفر الله واتوب إليه
у Кендал видна промежность очень сильно
Kylie you are so Kool love you gal
Ice cream for the Toilett
Who notice Kendall privacy thing
Camal toe
Kendall's Kamala toe 😂😂😂
Kendoll Jenner❤Habibi I am fat❤I Love You❤
You look amayyyzingg-a
Very thoughtful of Kyle, my condolences
People are so sick and disgusting saying all these comments about her look but it was for her friend that passed away get a life some people.
❤❤ love readedthe letters its made ef love these kinda words •
Gigi and Kendall are super models❤❤❤
Nothing just Kendall in her angel like hair color 😅😊❤
What a dream life. So surreal.
Khloe and her ghetto nose job show up just in time to ruin a good time .
The king’s naked- he looks amazing. Not
Was the worst look that year
Please sack your stylist you look hideous
I fking love this rock on coolness wedding dress ❤️🔥🌹❤️🔥🤟
Hahahaha Kendall’s camel toe😂😂😂😂😂
All I see is new lip fillers on Kendall!
Does Kendell have the Camel Toe lol.
Is it me or does she look like Erin from RHONY?
One of her worst looks and the fact that her own sisters told her she looked 😂
In reality, its cool, it just hasn't become fashionable yet. I like it. Its an elegant mashup with streetwear, and a perfect intersection of her past and present asethetics, and though its alot of elements, she still looked better than most of us!. Snatched, sectioned, bridal, sporty. This is 3055, and we're not advanced enough to understand it yet.
People tell Kendall says Kylie looks good on purpose when she doesn’t look but I have to remind you that Kendall wore the same dress in black colour that night. 2 sisters wore the same dress and pose to the cameras. So, I don’t think Kendall didn’t like it otherwise she wouldn’t wear it.
khloe was looking she looks terrible
The baby voice 🙄
So much acting
So superficial
Stop calling kendall a supermodel 😂