cash app: $ tyesse76 Chime: $ tyesse76 zelle: venmo: Tyesse76 paypal: Tyessereport via: Us Mail Jt Johnson 3006 S. في IG كقريري Tyesse و Facebook كـ Tyesse Jackson ، أعربت الآراء والآراء عن تقرير Tyesse الرسمي ، لا يهدف المحتوى على هذه القناة إلى خداع أي دين أو مجموعة عرقية أو نادي أو مؤسسة أو فرد أو أي شخص أو أي شيء. *إخلاء المسؤولية عن حقوق الطبع والنشر بموجب المادة 107 من قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر لعام 1976 ، يتم تقديم بدل من أجل “الاستخدام العادل” لأغراض مثل النقد والتعليق والتقارير الإخبارية والتعليم والمنح الدراسية والبحث. الاستخدام العادل هو استخدام يسمح به قانون حقوق الطبع والنشر الذي قد ينتهك. لا تهدف للربح أو التعليمية أو الاستخدام الشخصي إلى توازن لصالح الاستخدام العادل. جميع المواد المحمية بحقوق الطبع والنشر الواردة هنا تنتمي إلى حاملي حقوق الطبع والنشر لكل منها ، لا أدعي ملكية على أي من هذه المواد. أنا لا أدرك أي ربح أو نقدي أو غير ذلك ، من معرض مقاطع الفيديو هذه #jakes #pottershouse #Own #nickimonaj #ChristianKeyes #ColorPurple #diddy #cardi #texas #lrl #manasseh #eddielong #tdjakes #bet #newbirth #atlanta #rhoa #rho serita #cora #tylerperry #lakers #shannonsharpe #renaissance |موقع قفشات
This was an excellent live!! Bishop Felton was a fantastic addition. Every time you say “ I’m not going to be here long…”, I grab my snacks and settle in for a long live!
When/Where do we allow the fact that men wrote the words in the bible from God (allegedly) to reside? And give room for that same God to give His words to men and women of today! He's still God, ain't He?!?!!???!!!!!!!
According to 1Corinthians 10:23, Jesus was a universalist. EVERYTHING is lawful, but everything is not good for everybody. And if every knee is going to bow and wvery tongue in, on, and above and below the earth will confess Jesus is Lord, THAT AUTOMATICALLY SAVES all humans, animals, birds, and fish from he!!'s damnation! The biblical scholars aren't so scholastic, I'm my humble opinion.
21 تعليق
This was an excellent live!! Bishop Felton was a fantastic addition. Every time you say “ I’m not going to be here long…”, I grab my snacks and settle in for a long live!

I am almost ashamed to say I have watched this video twice this was phenomenal.
Replay! One word-ICONIC!!!

OMG… This was FANTASTIC!!! I've watched it twice and I hear something new each time. BRAVO Tyesse, you are truly an AWARD WINNING BLOGGER!!!!
Wow this was awesome! So many encouraging and inspiring messages all in one place.
Replay Gang
Replay Gang
If you wish to purchase a gift or two for The Official Tyesse Report Birthday Celebration this Sunday .. Here is the wishlist:
Mutha, I told you, you have the Juice 

Ps: ain’t nobody mad but the devil.
Mutha, I told you, you have the Juice 

Ps: ain’t nobody mad but the devil.
Great show. Stellar
This show was wonderful! Bishop Felton was amazing. I am glad he joined in.
5:37:32 Jesus was not baptized in his own name. It was water baptism before the baptism of the holy spirit.
5:36:06 God was not talking to Himself, that is for sure. People make it like a "me, mysekf, and I" situation.
When/Where do we allow the fact that men wrote the words in the bible from God (allegedly) to reside? And give room for that same God to give His words to men and women of today! He's still God, ain't He?!?!!???!!!!!!!
Rewatching Ty! Awesome live for the record books

I'm running
Incredible! I'm rewatching some parts now. Just incredible!