نحن نعيش لتكسير ثلاث حالات فوضوية! احصل على الفشار لأن هذا سيكون وحشيًا! مُنحت ويندي ويليامز أخيرًا إذنًا لرؤية والدها في عيد ميلاده ، ولكن هناك صيد – ممنوع من التحدث إلى وسائل الإعلام ، وما زالت محميةها في مكانها. ما الذي يحدث حقًا؟ زوجة كيفن كوستنر السابقة تتزوج-من أفضل صديق له السابق! تحدث عن الخيانة! كيف يتعامل كيفن مع هذه الأخبار المروعة؟ يدعو Blac Chyna إلى تريستان طومسون لدعوتها عن طريق الخطأ Dream ابنته! الدراما حقيقية ، وشينا لا تتراجع! انضم إلى المناقشة مباشرة! قم بإسقاط أفكارك في الدردشة ودعنا ندخلها! #wendywilliams #kevincostner #blacchyna #tristanthompson #CelebrityDrama #hollywoodmess #livediscussion #hottopics #EnturnayNewsnews تريد إنشاء تدفقات حية مثل هذا؟ تحقق من Streamyard: |موقع قفشات
@E, none of that matters! She's a grown woman who should be to do what she wants as Any other adult!!! You Do Not lock people up and throw away the key for drugs, alcohol! That is a personal choice that people do everyday. She didn't harm Anyone but herself. Once she got better she should be free to GO! Point blank Period.
29:46 KIDKNAPPED!!!! She wouldnt go back. Id call, say shes missing, we'd have Wendy on the Underground Railroad. I'd be moving my mom from house to house like that 80's movie THE LEGEND OF BILLIE JEAN.
I just heard a lawyer speak on guardianship conservatives anyone can petition the court for a hearing on her behalf when money is involved you will be surprised of what comes out of the box like jack in the box
10 تعليقات
I hope E is trying to be funny
because she Can't be serious!
@E, none of that matters! She's a grown woman who should be to do what she wants as Any other adult!!! You Do Not lock people up and throw away the key for drugs, alcohol! That is a personal choice that people do everyday. She didn't harm Anyone but herself. Once she got better she should be free to GO! Point blank Period.
Respectfully Trump can help Wendy respectfully
29:46 KIDKNAPPED!!!! She wouldnt go back. Id call, say shes missing, we'd have Wendy on the Underground Railroad. I'd be moving my mom from house to house like that 80's movie THE LEGEND OF BILLIE JEAN.
I was waiting for a discussion about the Tiffany Be hard brawl that you didn't do on your past live. You said you would do it next time but you didn't
The conservator and the judge in Wendy’s case ARE FRIENDS

E is making excellent points.
I just heard a lawyer speak on guardianship conservatives anyone can petition the court for a hearing on her behalf when money is involved you will be surprised of what comes out of the box like jack in the box
Angela White was forced into 50/50 custody so she couldn't get real child support.
Those people don't have Wendy's best interest at hand they're all just money grabbers. I pray that God intercede quickly.