أماندا ، شاين ، تومي – هل يضحكون؟ هل ضحكوا؟ هل يضحكون؟ متى سيضحكون؟ حرر فمك اليوم وتوفير 20 ٪ على مستوى الجلسة ، بالإضافة إلى حالة سفر مجانية وقفزة كونترتوب في. تسجيل وفورات ضخمة في وضعية في ، مع رمز ترويجي smoshmouth! 0:00 مقدمة 15:05 دع الألعاب تبدأ! 32:53 رعاة! 35:51 العودة إلى اللعبة 1:01:59 والفائز هو … الاشتراك: ارتدي النكات لدينا: من ترى شاين توبب // أماندا ليهان- كانتو // تومي بوي // من لا ترى (عادة) مدير : سيلينا جارسيا محررة: روك كولمان المنتج: أماندا ليهان كانتو ، شاين توبب ، سيلينا جارسيا مصمم الإنتاج: كاسي فانس الفني المدير الخلاط الصوتي: Scott Neff Audio Utility: Dina Ramli مدير التصوير الفوتوغرافي: Brennan Iketani Camera Operator: James Hull Camera Operator: Cameron Dunbar مساعد المدير: Alexcina Figueroa نائب الرئيس للإنتاج: أماندا بارنز مدير الإنتاج: Alexcina Figuera: Zianne Hoover منسق العمليات والإنتاج: Oliver Wehlander ، مساعد إنتاج كارولين سميث مدير الإنتاج: Luke Baker DIT/LED AE: Matt Duran IT: Tim Baker Design: Brittany Hobbs Graphic Designers: Ness Cardano ، Monica Ravitch Senior ، Channel & Strategy: منسق عمليات قناة Lizzy Jones: Audrey Carganilla مديرة وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي: Erica Noboa Social Creative Producer: Peter Ditzler ، Tommy Bowe Merchandising Manager: Mallory Myers Social Media Consterator: Kim Wilborn Brand Partners كاتي فينك المكتبي الأمامي مساعد: سارة فالترز الرئيس التنفيذي: أليساندرا كاتانيز EVP للبرمجة: كيانا باركر ، منتج منسق البرمجة: ماركوس مونغويا المنسق التنفيذي: راشيل كوليس نيو سموش أشرطة الفيديو: شاهد كيف نعرف الأفلام؟ ؟ | قراءة القصص Reddit: Smoshes أخرى: Smosh: Smosh Pit: Smosh Games: El Smosh (Spanish Dub): Follow Us: Tiktok: Instagram: Facebook: |موقع قفشات


35 تعليق

  1. Leprechaun traps were fun. Some childhood school activities were silly and light hearted, though strange to us today. And others caused irreversible trauma, wounds that never healed. Have you ever created life as a wee babe? I was maybe 5 or 6 years old when my life was stained forever in the shadow of: the Gingerbread man.
    As a class, we made and shaped cookie dough into people as we listened to stories about the Gingerbread man and his wacky adventures. The teacher made one too, 3x the size of ours. At the end of class, we all went to the kitchen to leave our uncooked men, our raw little Gingerbread dudes, on the counter and watched our teacher turn on the oven. We were told she'd bake them all and we could decorate them tomorrow and read more stories! But the next day, disaster struck. We came into the classroom in complete disarray. Crumbs everywhere, objects overturned, our favorite classroom toys and teaching tools missing, the window wide open, and finally a note saying "you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man". All our cookies were fine, cooked, ready to decorate, but the teacher's cookie was missing! He was real, he was alive, and he was a criminal. We worked together to clean the classroom and decided to make traps to try to catch the Gingerbread man. Every day for a week, we'd come into the disaster classroom and a sprung trap with no little man, and a note that read "you can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread man". After a week, all was calm for a good while. It was torture. Until one day, we received a post card of the Gingerbread man in a Hawaiian shirt saying he'd decided to travel and will always remember us as his creaters. Always remember us. Always. Remember. Us. This wasn't endearing to little child me, it was a threat. A promise. This experience haunted me for at least 5 more years. I was in constant fear, knowing he was out there. Tormenting us. Taunting us with post cards, he knew how to find us. And when I moved to a new school, his absence was suffocating. No more post cards, still no break ins. Knowing he was on the loose, watching us. Knowing that he knew the faces of every individual responsible for bringing him to life. Haunted, paranoid, hopeless. Waiting. He never came back, but he was never caged either. You can't catch him, he's the Gingerbread man.

  2. Look, I don't know who needs to hear this, but it's very okay to have sugar sometimes and what you choose to eat says absolutely nothing about who you are as a person (unless you're eating people, then uhhhh, yeah you should probably get that checked out)

  3. There is something so funny about Beanie Shayne encouraging me to buy MeUndies. Bro should be busy pirating DVDs on the family computer before his parents get home from work, but instead he is trying to sell me sensible underwear basics.

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