Aint no mf way the maid pulled up and said she done and didn’t do SH*T! Download EXTREME VIOLENCE! this plot jumped out ! Dad didn’t gaf about her dying or the girls fighting just pretended like he dont see nothing lol
Mom and dad both clapped the maid, just in different ways. Issa evil world we live in (I'm very proud of this pun. Somebody like this comment. I'm not playing with yall)
I love that you went back to age up Dustin’s boo. He deserves it . And omg this house is a MESS ! Good for Marie Sue for not tolerating any disrespect in her house lol.
Now that you playing them I gotta defend my girl Lilith. If you check out their memories turns out Angela was always favored by their parents which is why she grew up well compared to Lilith so that’s why they’re beefing
36 تعليق
Aint no mf way the maid pulled up and said she done and didn’t do SH*T! Download EXTREME VIOLENCE!

this plot jumped out ! Dad didn’t gaf about her dying or the girls fighting just pretended like he dont see nothing lol
You are the best Sims 2 content creator omg
The title is taking me out

the 'drink Angela' want is crazy lmao
Mom and dad both clapped the maid, just in different ways. Issa evil world we live in
(I'm very proud of this pun. Somebody like this comment. I'm not playing with yall)
I had played this family had the maid and Daniel whoohoo but Mary Sue had a job pop up and got FIRED and caught them in bed

He serenaded the maid and probably never serenaded his wife that way. SMH.
I think there might be a cow plant on sims 2 university expansion pack
I think there might be a cow plant on sims 2 university expansion pack
This reminds me how funny it was when keeyuh visited pleasantview houses for the first time
I need to go rematch them right NOW
the title could mean two things
Automatically Subscribed
so funny

I love that you went back to age up Dustin’s boo. He deserves it
. And omg this house is a MESS
! Good for Marie Sue for not tolerating any disrespect in her house lol.
Lmao!! In my playthrough both the daughters and wife caught him. Sent my girl Mary into asperation failure.

"here lies my b*tch" keeyuh

Lmao Lilith got jumped at the end

Lmfao BRO I looked down and then I looked up and there was a machine gun
Honestly deserved because she didn’t do no cleaning and went straight to making herself comfortable in HER House
Those girls can drive you crazy. In most of my games Angela, the favorite always started it first. It’s another family I like to mess up though
Where did you get the Ak from, btw. I think I want it.
only time my sims 2 crashed was when i tried using an aging up cheat too
Now that you playing them I gotta defend my girl Lilith. If you check out their memories turns out Angela was always favored by their parents which is why she grew up well compared to Lilith so that’s why they’re beefing
Angela is a classic pastor's daughter syndrome. she look sweet but she's actually a demon
Keeyuh please the title
a real editing type of guy to have this up the next day omg
I just watched something from you and BOOM
Big Keeyuh happy new years
still doing ts gang carrying sims content for years and storytimes and advice a decade ago 

BFF with a grown ass man… i'm calling the police.
Yess i just got my food too
oh my god, this is about to get MESSY
I was waiting for this