أريزونا ضد جودي أرياس (2013) | أرياس يشهد | تواصل المتهمة جودي أرياس شهادتها عن علاقتها بالضحية #ترافيس_ألكسندر. أصبحت أرياس عاطفية عندما تم تشغيل صوت محادثة حميمة بينها وبين ترافيس في المحكمة. شاهد أرشيف #CourtTV لقضية AZ v. #JodiArias (2013) Gavel to Gavel هنا: شاهد البث المباشر لقناة Court TV على مدار 24 ساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع اليوم انضم إلى النشرة الإخبارية للتحقيقات على قناة Court TV Podcast انضم إلى مجتمع Court TV لتتمكن من الوصول إلى الامتيازات: اتبع القضية: Facebook Twitter/X Instagram TikTok YouTube شاهد +140 تجربة مجانية في أرشيف تلفزيون المحكمة كيفية العثور على محكمة تلفزيون
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26 تعليق
WATCH the #CourtTV Archive of AZ v. #JodiArias (2013) Gavel to Gavel HERE: https://www.courttv.com/trials/arizona-v-jodi-arias-2013/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=comment
Nurmi was a perv!
She was a far better actress on the phone than she was on the stand.
1:16:29 , can't recall the title of the gentleman's job…but the man in purple /bottom left hand screen…isn't buying 1 word spewing from her mouth.
watch it back &
at his expressions!
And a lil bit before time stamp
Jodi Arias just like Susan Smith hope never gets out of prison
baby oil????
This woman is disgusting!!! Hope she rots in jail!!
The level of comprehension in Court TV comments astounds me
"Why is she getting a new trial"
"How dare they broadcast this trial it's disrespectful"
"Why are they submitting EVIDENCE to the court it's disrespectful"
I've seen babies with better critical thought
Glad i didnt have my volume all the way up as im in my vehicle listening to this.
This is making me want to become celibate lol Jesus, I didn’t even talk like this when I was 16.
I thought I watched this entire trial…but apparently I missed all this
I had to turn it down because my neighbors might hear this. 

lol f boy
He was a stereotypical mormon
I remember this like if was yesterday, I really thought she was going to get away with this, only because she is so good in manipulating, for sure the jury was going to be hunged…
He was mormon cultist and sexist and a pervert.
Why??? She murdered someone why would you get a new trial
The playing of the explicit conversation between them was the prosecution's strategy in exposing Arias in that their relationship was not as she alleges, that being explosive, abusive in which she was forced to engage in degenerative bahaviour and was not forthcoming and was the vanilla one in the relationship. The recordings, along with explicit pictures, showed that there was mutual cooperation between them and that Arias, who recorded the conversations and took the pictures, was often the instigator. So, it might seem tacky but it was actually crucial in Martinez, et all in proving their point in court.
This is so cringe and disrespectful to the victim and his friends and family, especially with the victims religion! How does playing their sex calls help this case at all???
No person ever asked someone else to record them.
Ok i dont think this is for the public ear. I choose not to invade peoples privacy
This woman sits full of

I like this judge. Fair but firm. Gentle but strong
So horrific to listen to someone’s most private conversations, let alone family hears it. I feel sorry that she has to justify her actions by airing out her intimate moments…
Just watching this trial for the first time tells me how dangerous religion supressing people is These people are supposed to have faith?
The second they started playing my sex tape in court, complete with me yowling like a cat…I would have just been like “Okay I did it, please take me to jail. Also I’d like the death penalty”.