الحب يكمن في التفاصيل. ✨ مع الحب ميغان مسلسل جديد سيُعرض في 15 يناير. تعيد هذه السلسلة الملهمة، التي أنتجتها ميغان، دوقة ساسكس، تصور هذا النوع من برامج نمط الحياة، حيث تمزج بين الإرشادات العملية والمحادثات الصريحة مع الأصدقاء، الجدد والقدامى. تشارك ميغان النصائح والحيل الشخصية، وتفضل المرح على الكمال وتسلط الضوء على مدى سهولة خلق الجمال، حتى في الأمور غير المتوقعة. تشمر هي وضيوفها عن سواعدهم في المطبخ والحديقة وخارجها، ويدعوونك إلى القيام بالمثل. حول Netflix: تعد Netflix واحدة من الخدمات الترفيهية الرائدة عالميًا، حيث تضم 283 مليون عضوية مدفوعة الأجر في أكثر من 190 دولة وتستمتع بالمسلسلات التلفزيونية والأفلام والألعاب عبر مجموعة واسعة من الأنواع واللغات. يمكن للأعضاء تشغيل المشاهدة وإيقافها مؤقتًا واستئنافها بقدر ما يريدون، في أي وقت وفي أي مكان، ويمكنهم تغيير خططهم في أي وقت. مع الحب ميغان | المقطع الدعائي الرسمي | تدعو Netflix Meghan, Duchess of Sussex الأصدقاء والضيوف المشهورين إلى عقار جميل في كاليفورنيا، حيث تشارك نصائح الطبخ والبستنة والاستضافة. |موقع قفشات


46 تعليق

  1. Jen, you are an absolutely gorgeous lady!!!

    MM, definitely staged, fake, phony, pretentious, unoriginal, plagiarized, disrespectful, self focused. Nothing new, we've seen it all before.

    Netflix is as desperate as she is.

  2. We have a trillion cooking shows so why make another, especially with a B Grade actress who is definitely no professional Chef. You can shelve this one too, Netflix. Too contrived and full of purchased goods.

  3. Todo mundo falando mal de uma série que ainda nem foi ao ar, só para dengrir a imagem de uma pessoa que não conhece , falando de coisas que não podem provar porque não são pessoas próximas a ela, julgando uma pessoa apenas por ouvir fofocas que as pessoas que as pessoas colocam nas mídias na intenção de fazer com que todos odeem Meghan simplesmente porque não acham que ela é digna de estar onde está hoje no fundo vocês são apenas fantoches nas mãos xe pessoas que não conseguem atingir Meghan e eles começam a inventar histórias para que as pessoas a odeem na intenção de acabar com ela, antes de Harry ninguém tinha nada contra ela, só agora, mas nada do q disserem vai mudar a vida e os planos dela, todo mal que ze deseja a alguém acaba retornando pra quem deseja, eu continuo gostando de Meghan, não tenho nada contra ela, ela não me fez mal nenhum, não sou do tipo de pessoas que vai pras redes sociais falar de pessoas e situações que não conheço, o mundo precisa aprender a amar mais, respeitar mais e parar de acreditar em tudo que lê e ouve, isso leva a julgamentos errados, desejo sucesso a Meghan, pois acho que ela fez bem a Harry, e as pessoas de quem ela se afastou com certeza deram motivos para isso, um dia tudo vira a tona e nós saberemos quem está com a verdade, não acredito que a Netflix tenha aberto os comentários , mas também não importa porque não vai ser por causa de comentários destrutivos que a série não será um sucesso, ze tiver que ser será, isso aqui são apenas falatório de pessoas más

  4. Netflix, i need to know. What made you think hiring these grifters was a good idea,
    Who met with harry and his wife, immediately saw that he was a nit wit and she had zero personality,and is utterly unlikable, yet still thought it was a good idea to hire them?

    She is a pathological liar who treats people including her dying father like shite. She and her husband are promoting censorship.

    This right here is one of the reasons i canceled my subscription

  5. In 2016, Samantha Markle was the first to warn about who Meghan truly is. I was among those who didn't believe Sam. I thought Sam was jealous, etc. I even created a twitter account to attack Samantha. Many people noticed since the beginning that Meghan is an awful human being i was not among those people. The Oprah interview helped me to see how heartless Meghan Markle is. This interview was full of false claims. How an obsession for fame and fortune turned Meghan into a heartless person.

  6. OMG the South Africans must be dancing in the streets again, like they did when Mandela was freed. At 1.19 (in every moment) there are Pin Cushion Proteas, which are indigenous South African flowers, very hard to grow anywhere else (Australia managed it), so maybe the kitchen is somewhere near Table Mountain? Or maybe her gardening skills gave her magic green fingers? Netflix, I am gone.

  7. this girl is a real fake and she tries to act so perfect !!! cannot undestand how someone married her, being somewhere between plain and homely looking. husband must have been a virgin when he snagged this pig !!

  8. Good grief. I didn’t know she was a comedian!!! Well done Netflix, this satirical, hypocritical and ironic series is great!!!👏👏👏…I’m assuming you’ll be giving up your (un important) titles now M, some serious merch-ing going on here!

  9. How much were the so called "friends" – all happy and glamorous paid to appear on the show? Those delicate hands pressing on the dough, she's obviously doesn't want to wreck her nails or dirty her hands.

  10. I thought her intentions were to help the weakest, to plead the cause of women in difficulty, of those who have no voices …🧐.. but maybe I did understand .. she just wanted to show us her glamorous life 🤣😄what a fake woman

  11. How do you let your father know you were really thinking of him Meghan? How would you celebrate an 80th birthday? Please share!?

    Now that you’ve done it totally wrong… you can get it totally right by introducing Thomas Markle to his grandchildren.

    Yeah know, in the pursuit of joy!? 🙄

  12. exactly, love is in the details… the details of how this woman cut all of her and her husbands family in a blink of an eye.. the details that everyone saying how mean and hard to work with is.. I am all about women empowerment and at first I was so proud of her, because she made it… gold digger or not she made what other didn't.. to marry a prince.. but after that she is so stupid that she failed to EVERYTHING. she couldn't just have it all… she wanted more.. and that's happening when you are a narcissist asshole… not even sorry for her or for harry anymore.. they match each other! I get the "toxic family "thing.. I have one too… but the trashy thing that's happening always only to get the attention is just disgusting!

  13. All this just because she married someone famous, but I guess she won in the end because this is what she wanted all along, a large platform for her pretentious GOOP 2.0 garbage, and guess what Netflix fell for it! Well congratulations on losing a crap tonne of money investing in this pair of nit wits 😂

  14. i dont get the mentality of ppl. you claim not to like her. but you watch the trailer, I assume and then belittle her… you just contradicted yourself y even commenting hate. why do you do this to yourself?

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