
26 تعليق

  1. Baciare questa fantastica fumatrice mentre sta fumando , deve essere una sensazione paradisiaca . Io non fumo , pero' vorrei avere una bella compagna fumatrice , per poterla baciare dopo averle fatto accendere la sigaretta

  2. Josie you can blow in my mouth anytime. I am so glad that I saw this.Now I know I definitely need to fly through Canada 🇨🇦. But Josie damn if you ever come to me in US YOU for sure have a place to stay anytime. Plus I can’t lie I’m lookin fwd to talking to you tonight and take you there 3 or 4 x.💯😉❤️

  3. Please don't stray too far from your classy self. If this is a smoking video, why does everyone want you to wear different outfits some are a little below your standards. I totally enjoy watching you smoke. That's why I followed you in the first place. Don't let money buy you something you are not! Just saying what's on my mind, I fell in love with you from the start. Because of your personality, love of your fans, smoking style and the love and respect for your family. You BIGGEST FAN even though I'm not on your live cast, I always watch you from afar and don't expect anything from you but class 🙂 love ya girl.

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