“التحول الملهم لـ Blac Chyna: من الظلام إلى الإيمان” الوصف: في هذا الفيديو الجذاب، نتعمق في الرحلة المذهلة لأنجيلا وايت، المعروفة باسم Blac Chyna. من تجارب حياتها المبكرة إلى تحولها الملحوظ، تشارك أنجيلا قصتها الشخصية في التغلب على التحديات، وإيجاد الإيمان، واحتضان اكتشاف الذات. انضم إلينا ونحن نستكشف أفكارها حول النمو والهوية وقوة الإيمان. #BlacChynaTransformation #FromDarknesstoFaith #inspiringjourneys #FaithfulVibes #EmpowermentPodcast #SelfDiscoveryStory #AngelaWhiteStory #overcomingchallenges #podcastinspiration #GrowthNaratives #findingfaith #BlacChynaInterview #lifetransformationswithyachnajain #PersonalGrowthTalks #identityexploration #رحلة الإيمان |موقع قفشات
“التحول الملهم لـ Blac Chyna: من الظلام إلى الإيمان” الوصف: في هذا الفيديو الجذاب، نتعمق في الرحلة المذهلة لأنجيلا وايت، المعروفة باسم Blac Chyna. من تجارب حياتها المبكرة إلى تحولها الملحوظ، تشارك أنجيلا قصتها الشخصية في التغلب على التحديات، وإيجاد الإيمان، واحتضان اكتشاف الذات. انضم إلينا ونحن نستكشف أفكارها حول النمو والهوية وقوة الإيمان. #BlacChynaTransformation #FromDarknesstoFaith #inspiringjourneys #FaithfulVibes #EmpowermentPodcast #SelfDiscoveryStory #AngelaWhiteStory #overcomingchallenges #podcastinspiration #GrowthNaratives #findingfaith #BlacChynaInterview #lifetransformationswithyachnajain #PersonalGrowthTalks #identityexploration #رحلة الإيمان |موقع قفشات
29 تعليق
God is good God bless you Angela
, God is awesome and also God bless you too, Love Unmasked.
Definitely used Chyna for clout . I wonder why she agreed to this
The interview needs a little bit more energy. I feel like Black Chyna looks bored.
The interview was cool but the questions were dragged out….. I would have liked more opportunities to hear Blac C. Speak and answer the questions.m directly.
Happy for her, she escaped the Kardashians and the industry, cant defeat Yah, and chose the RIGHT side if spirituality!!!
Bless you china God is Good


But GOD!
Great conversation ladies
Happy for you China. Look Amazing.
The FINGERWAVES, suits her nicely. She looks like a SCHOOL TEACHER
Her natural is absolutely beautiful. Praise God for her transformation.
How pretty Angela looks. The growth looks so good on her
Wow. Such an amazing video, women of power and beauty. I love it
My sister in christ

you jesus
ANGELA ! We love you. From the DMV, Simply Beautiful
Gotta admit, Angela, looks so nice. I love her new look.
Great video, Angela looks great and is grounded in God. Nice.
Always love her…hooe she removed that butt..it was….
I could not leave this video without saying to you, that you are absolutely gorgeous! I mean that wholeheartedly! It made me sad to hear you say that you thought of yourself as “ugly”. When that is a complete untruth! As for Dr. Angela, I’m SUPER proud of who she has become in spite of her upbringing because I believe she had it hard, just by seeing who she was (semi) raised by.
I like her hair and outfit….the eye glasses to
So touching and I love the way Black China did a 360 change in her Life sometimes change is good
Why are thoe claws back???

Thank you, great interview.
God is amazing!!….what a blessing to see someone go from darkness to the light!
Amazing interview! I love Angela and everything she do. Thank you Chellie!
Praise God! She chose the right path.
Good stuff!
China seems disconnected and uninterested. Her body language says it all in comparison to her other interviews.
Thank you!