اشترك في XXL → تجلس Blac Chyna مع XXL لمناقشة انتقالها من رائدة أعمال إلى مغنية راب، وما يمكن توقعه من موسيقاها الجديدة وخططها لتوقيع صفقة تسجيل. اذهب هنا → XXL على فيسبوك → XXL على تويتر → XXL على Instagram → |موقع قفشات


27 تعليق

  1. Incredibly akward. Already in the industry ? Amazing how fake people can be..and how hard people try. She can't even speak properly, put a sentence together, what makes her think she can rap? Then again I guess that's what "rap" is all about nowadays. She sadly sounds like a 8 year old trying to convince her parents to let her take singing lessons when she knows she won't be fully committed .

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