يغطي تقرير Black Report الخاص بـ Fox Soul آخر الأخبار بما في ذلك: تناقش Blac Chyna علنًا عكس إجراءات التجميل كجزء من “رحلتها التي ستغير حياتها”. اشترك في قناة FOX SOUL على اليوتيوب!! www.youtube.com/c/FoxSoul?sub_confirmation=1 شاهد البث المباشر واستكشف المزيد على: قم بتنزيل تطبيق FOX SOUL لمشاهدة العروض المباشرة والحلقات الكاملة أثناء التنقل! تواصل مع FOX SOUL Social: Twitter twitter.com/FoxSoulTV Instagram www.instagram.com/FoxSoul Facebook www.facebook.com/FoxSoul FOX SOUL هي شبكة بث مباشر وتفاعلية جديدة مخصصة للمشاهد الأمريكي الأفريقي . تهدف البرامج إلى الاحتفال بثقافة السود والتعامل مع موضوعات حقيقية تؤثر على الحياة اليومية لمجتمع السود من خلال حوار صريح وثاقب مع المؤثرين المحليين والوطنيين. #روح_الثعلب #بلاشينا #تجميل |موقع قفشات
That's good because we won't be young forever and the end is what many fail to think of. American youth we are lost ,Satan has taken over a country we say in God we trust ,stripping has been normalised, gun violence it's seen as a game and street code fun ,robbery crime etc. Satan is jubilating because he won our souls , we are lost ,but what we fail to know is read the Bible and listen to what God said ,at a point God said to noah I have regretted creating humans to an extent of him wiping out with water but after noah made a sacrifice to God he promised not to destroy the world,but all men will die at 120 if we pass its a blessing and he will resurrect and keep the ritious with him. Ya all don't think about life after death ,ya all think its a game ,wake up youth of America
(18-35) – Chase the bad boys – Get tattoos – Party – Drugs – High body count – Kids out of wedlock – “Strong independent”
(35+) – “I’ve grown” – “I found god” – “ I’m a born again virgin, I’m waiting for marriage” – “I’ve raised my standards” – “my kids and I are a package deal” – “where are all the good men”
Butt shots CAN NOT be removed by any type of liposuction!! The product should be cut out!! That's the reason K-Michelle and several IG models had to return to surgery.
9 تعليقات
That's good because we won't be young forever and the end is what many fail to think of. American youth we are lost ,Satan has taken over a country we say in God we trust ,stripping has been normalised, gun violence it's seen as a game and street code fun ,robbery crime etc. Satan is jubilating because he won our souls , we are lost ,but what we fail to know is read the Bible and listen to what God said ,at a point God said to noah I have regretted creating humans to an extent of him wiping out with water but after noah made a sacrifice to God he promised not to destroy the world,but all men will die at 120 if we pass its a blessing and he will resurrect and keep the ritious with him. Ya all don't think about life after death ,ya all think its a game ,wake up youth of America
“Life changing journey” of the modern woman.
– Chase the bad boys
– Get tattoos
– Party
– Drugs
– High body count
– Kids out of wedlock
– “Strong independent”
– “I’ve grown”
– “I found god”
– “ I’m a born again virgin, I’m waiting for marriage”
– “I’ve raised my standards”
– “my kids and I are a package deal”
– “where are all the good men”
Butt shots CAN NOT be removed by any type of liposuction!! The product should be cut out!! That's the reason K-Michelle and several IG models had to return to surgery.
Dag she’s her mothers twin
Interesting that removing the fake stuff from her body is seen as life changing but adding them in the first place wasn't
She doesn't need all that extra gunk in her body. I'm happy for her.
Sir it's not for you
I guess skinny is in