تكشف ميغان ثي ستاليون كيف حاولت Blac Chyna أن تتاجر! c Her GURLLLLL، يبدو أن صورة Angela White Christian التي نشرتها Blac Chyna خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية كانت كلها كذبة لأن Megan Thee Stallion دخلت للتو إلى الدردشة وكشفت لها لإرسال فتيات مشبوهات إلى دبي للنوم مع رجال مشكوك فيهم ضد إرادتهم. بيبي، لقد كان عام 2024 فوضويًا منذ البداية، ويبدو أنه سينتهي بشكل أكثر فوضوية. لم أعتقد أبدًا أننا سنرى اليوم الذي ستكشف فيه ميغان شينا والمعروفة أيضًا باسم أنجيلا وايت ولكن ها نحن جميعًا هنا. #megantheestallion #blacchyna #hiphopnews |موقع قفشات
تكشف ميغان ثي ستاليون كيف حاولت Blac Chyna أن تتاجر! c Her GURLLLLL، يبدو أن صورة Angela White Christian التي نشرتها Blac Chyna خلال الأشهر القليلة الماضية كانت كلها كذبة لأن Megan Thee Stallion دخلت للتو إلى الدردشة وكشفت لها لإرسال فتيات مشبوهات إلى دبي للنوم مع رجال مشكوك فيهم ضد إرادتهم. بيبي، لقد كان عام 2024 فوضويًا منذ البداية، ويبدو أنه سينتهي بشكل أكثر فوضوية. لم أعتقد أبدًا أننا سنرى اليوم الذي ستكشف فيه ميغان شينا والمعروفة أيضًا باسم أنجيلا وايت ولكن ها نحن جميعًا هنا. #megantheestallion #blacchyna #hiphopnews |موقع قفشات
20 تعليق
Everyone in the Industry is trans
So the NDA didn't tell u something in the am hours
Sounds like some ritualistic stuff she could be on…
What child support would she live off of? Rob and tyga had full custody of her kids. I think she just got joint custody
Ava is the same name of the lil girl that went missing with Diddy,
. Makes me think did they ever eveñ find her
Misleading title!!!!!……
Well china is no longer the same as who she was so the tea is worthless…
Sometimes, we can't understand our own faults, so we acknowledge others personal faults

Is Ava the girl pdiddy had
2:54 ME!
Stupid choices.
Avoid nda's at all times. That's how these criminals get you.
She thought we will be fooled by her changing her life. She didn't change anything she just got 10 times worse than she was before.
She got that Kardashian curse on her now. Just like Justin Bieber.
All these female rappers are messy except for latto and Nicki Minaj.
Megan is not sparing anymore
This is unfortunately how it works in the industry. Much manipulation, coercion & trafficking of many sorts. Some women believe in selling their box. This is how they recruit, it's hazing until you give in for material gain. It's very strategic & there's levels to it. That's why China switched her style up she did not want to be perceived as a madame. I hope that the women who have been abused heal & those who engage stay safe 
I don't believe her after she allegedly lied about Tory
yall are annoying with you sickening caption like why

"Megan Thee Stallion REVEALS How Blac Chyna TRIED To Traff!c Her"
i thought this video was about Megan spilling some tea on Black Chyna
You said it bout Tokyo I was thinking it! I'm rollin Tokyo Toni finna go ham
Not trying to start nothing but why does that girl favor Ava combs the white girl who Diddy adopted