في 5 يوليو، شن روب كارداشيان هجومًا شرسًا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ضد بلاك شينا. فيما يلي دليل لمن هم وما تحتاج إلى معرفته. اشترك في صحيفة واشنطن بوست على يوتيوب: تابعنا: تويتر: إنستجرام: فيسبوك: |موقع قفشات


34 تعليق

  1. give me a break this is all made up for views and attention the ratings are dropping so they had to make a new scandal even kim is spreading cocaine use rumor to get controversy back ! do U think that lazy dumb rob would write all that bunch of stuff ?

  2. Wendy williams predictions on these two was spot on wow she said last year that chyna was using him and once she got pregnent she would leave him. But no one predicted how rob would react, wow. Feel so bad for him i hope he can move on

  3. Petty rob is just made Chyna out ho'd his sisters. 😂😂😂😂 I mean can you feel sorry for him? He knew what he was getting into PLUS he hit Andriene Ballion so I don't feel sorry for him.

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