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40 تعليق
Poor Rob. That thing really got her claws into him.
poor little rich girl "all I did was try to help all those young girls " she is evil and needs to be removed for this world fo the good of the wourld
Basically, if you are extremely rich, you are above the law. The law applies only to the poor.
The poor, are 99% of the population.
Choice is yours to accept this or not
Slaughter all em
she took the sentence so she didn’t have to release the list or confirm it. meaning we aren’t getting one.
We know why this ALL BE A HUSH HUSH!!!!
She should be sentenced LIFE!!!
Where’s the list?
The man is severely sick but that's OK . You seem one of my favorite actors but I know he wasn't acting… lol He is a devious Pervert
She ruined so many girls life. She should never get Out of jail!!!
This is all reeeeeally sus. Epstein was offed in jail, an obviously coordinated attack by the very wealthy & powerful people he peddled kids to. They will go to ANY lengths to ensure that info doesn't get out. Epstein was protecting Maxwell, so once he was out of the way, she became the scapegoat. She deserves everything she gets & more, but I do not doubt her life is threatened daily as she is one of the only people left who have a copy of that client list in their heads. If she tried to talk, they'd take her out immediately, which is why she hasn't. Those who have sealed the client record list from the public are hoping Epstein's death & Maxwell's sentence will be enough for people to feel some type of justice has been done.
It hasn't.
I heard at the AH.& JD Britian trail does not allow TV's..
Sounds like she's getting the same treatments at 99.9% percent of prisoners in this country get. So you're not treating her any better any different.
Cry me a river to all these sickos.
She expects leniency here on earth not in gods judgment day
Sounds like another tale
I love the Law & Order Network for the excellent excellent coverage of the Depp/Heard trial.
Best of luck to Jizzlaine Maxwell, as she's going to be somebody's / everybody's biotch for the next 18 years!
We want the abusers publicly exposed and charged…Why only her???
Kardashian- Trash
So Kevin Spacey is still free yet a female basketball in jail for a vape pen??? Hmmmm!!!@
Spacey. Another scumbag who needs to be in jail! God only knows what other despicable things he’s done.
20 years is too good for her!
Maxwell’s full of it!
Ghislaine did NOT kill herself ,
You know , " when it happens " 😏
Boohoo to harsh conditions for Ms. Groomer. She should have been held in solitary a la Andy Dufrene in Shawshank.
She has so much back up blackmail evidence, it looks like she's unvincible. But we know.
Maxwell knows more than she is willing to say. The question lies is will the men in the client book be charged? Will we know who they are?
She'll just get out and fly off to somewhere beautiful and be safely tucked away in her mansion on the beach. Nothing will happen. Talk talk talk. Just a bunch of bs 🙃 when does time run out for them? We're going to let them "talk" us in circles til death. Why would they care about any of this drama t.v. because they know nothing will really happen. Us peasants have done nothing so far even after what they've done to the children. They know we're not ever going to make a move
He SOLD OUT soo many yrs ago. 🎬🎬 Funny how these actors are giving their best performances at this time. They've all been hiding out two yrs. NOW….. 🎬💲👀 they want the respect sympathy and attention from the Public/peasants. smh…NAH
Of course more people will come forward against Kevin spacey all the time they think he still has money in his bank account it all comes down to compensation
Kevin spacey will get off because he's part of Hollywood wait and see it's our wonderful justice system what the democrats have made it they have destroyed Just a system as well as our country
Blac chyna won her case against the Kardashians, she just didn’t win monetarily
The only way she should only get 20 years is if it's in prison and she has to release her client list that is complete to the public immediately
:Beverly-Jean:Fore Gress Thank u
Old news?
Threats are ridiculous. If they want Ghislanes head on a platter they'll do what they did to Epstein or something similar. Too sad for them to have done the things they did but even worse for the very young girls they molested.
Yeah sure. And jeffrey epstein is dead. Uh huh