تم بثه على KTLA 5 Morning News في 20 أبريل 2022. » اشترك في KTLA: تبقي KTLA سكان جنوب كاليفورنيا على اطلاع منذ عام 1947. ستجد هنا مقاطع من KTLA 5 Morning News ونشرات الأخبار اليومية الأخرى. اشترك في قناتنا للحصول على الأخبار العاجلة والفيديو المباشر من جنوب كاليفورنيا، بما في ذلك مطاردات الشرطة وحرائق الغابات وغير ذلك الكثير. | تواصل مع KTLA عبر الإنترنت | موقعنا الإلكتروني: www.ktla.com تابع KTLA على Twitter: www.twitter.com/ktla ابحث عن KTLA على Facebook: www.facebook.com/ktla5 تابع KTLA على Instagram: www.instagram.com/ktla5news |موقع قفشات


28 تعليق

  1. The show was over before it even started ?? Wtf is she talking about though 🙃they weren’t even together how can they have a show ?? She was treating him like dirt on one of the episodes she seems abusive..

  2. The Kardashian's are the one who had Blac Chyna and Rob cancelled. Not Blac Chyna and talk about class well let's go there. Let's see class is when you have 2 sex tapes out that your kids come upon seeing when searching the internet now that's class. 😏

  3. People have got to be careful about what they say these days. This woman could make this very bad for herself because she have threatened the judge.situation like this should not be taken lightly because there have been too much crimes committed on innocent people. This woman should learn the law because money don’t always talk.

  4. Crazy part is a report came out she has no evidence of nothing but on only did chyna admit to hitting Rob and putting a 🔫 to his head she admitted to sending Kylie death threats lol black chyna isn’t gonna win this case

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