هل سيوافق Blac Chyna على الانتقال مع Rob من منزلهم الحالي؟ هناك خلاف جدي بين الزوجين حول “Rob & Chyna”. الاشتراك: حول E! الترفيه: ه! موجود على Pulse of Pop Culture، حيث يقدم للمعجبين أفضل محتوى أصلي بما في ذلك المسلسلات الواقعية والبرامج الموضعية والعروض الخاصة الحصرية والأخبار الترفيهية العاجلة والمزيد. لا يمكن للمشاهدين المتحمسين الاكتفاء من أغاني ثقافة البوب لدينا بما في ذلك “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” و”Total Divas” و”Very Cavallari”. ومع البرمجة الأصلية الجديدة في الطريق، سيكون لدى المعجبين المزيد مما سيحبونه. شاهد الحلقات الكاملة: تواصل مع E! Entertainment: تفضل بزيارة موقع E! : اتبع E! على Spotify: Rob & Chyna |. Rob Kardashian يريد بداية جديدة |.
|موقع قفشات
44 تعليق
C'était pas Moi
la famille Kardashian 

ou caithlyn

de merde 
j'ai juste regardé la télévision française 
de merdes
car en france 
de merde 
ils sont trop fan
des merdes 
des américains 

de merde

sinon Moi
je suis pas fan
des américains 

de merdes

Why is she doing that to the steaks? That's the real question…
He's a keeper I would marry him for real
can we get them
Why E! Had to cancel this show smh Chyna should have won her lawsuit
Man Rob, I feel sorry for you. You should be a lawyer by now.
Y’all fumbled the bag canceling the show too soon
This was definitely part 2 of her Black Chyna persona, before was obviously with Tyga and with her previous bestie Kim part 1. I loved her days before /Tyga.
Why the f did she cheat gosh she’s so stupid
Geez he was fat af
And now all of sudden Chyna don't cook or clean. Rob just stop lying on that lady smh! Here in 2020…
I feel for Rob
She didn't want that new home because she never planned on staying with rob she just wanted to make sure her bag was secured
She ugly dudududududu
I will never eat food from someone with nasty long claws
No fresh start for rob
Chyna used him to get back at Kylie and she succeeded
Rob seems boring.
I wish they didnt break up ughh
The words "fresh" and "start" should not be used in same sentence with Rob & Chyna. How many "fresh starts" did they already have been through? It should be changed to "rotten ending"
sad boy, to be honest if his parent not rich he just a trash. well everyone have their own life. good luck
that moment when you realize its a fat guy talking about nothing, flashing advisement in the form of clothes, this show is good for people who want to escape there bad life, but its technically the bottom of the barrel regarding television documentary
i pray people wake up, these are not idols, its propaganda to put $ in their bank account.
Awww that's so sweet of him….I hope Rob is really trying to make this work and Chyna too is gonna help
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He's right! They need to find a house together with both names on the deed. So those times when she's in her feelings, she can't kick him out! Bring new energy and life to a new beginning.
I wish them all the best I hope the have a wonderful life
chyna said herself that she should get a paternity test because the baby might not be robs. why doesnt she prove it?
how about the house Kris bought for Rob?
She could always keep her home and just rent it out
the face black cyna kept making putting her lips inside her mouth git me dying
I'm actually happy he's free of diabetes I wanna be free of it lol But yeah happy for him
I love that she actually knows how to cook major plus rob
I love china
i feel bad for their baby tahts not even born yet
This was shot months ago. Latest pics I have seen of Rob, he gained all the weight back and probably extra. Not hating, it's just the truth. I wish him the best and hope he can get back on track.
her house is her comfort blanket. I get where she coming from as well as rob
so gross it ridiculous
he really doesn't listen to her
she can cook
I hope every thing works out between them. its so many people dont want them togather. but I am Team Rob and Blac Chyna
yeah!!! much love!!!
i love this show!! i love them together!! if its real or fake idc! i love them together as much as i love kim & kanye together.
All these fake tabloids are trying their best to break them up. It's actually pretty sad. They seem really sweet together.