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25 تعليق

  1. I think its so messed up to make sick people be roomates. You are at your most vulnerable why would you want to be confined with another vulnerable person and a STRANGER at that! Trying to be polite mot snore not pass gas not use the bathroom when yall shouldnt be having the same bathroom anyway thats unsanitary. I can go on and on.

  2. Stared down because she’s stupid and he knew she was going to spin and get him on camera. Karma. She did it anyway so he’s pissed. For that and holding up his coffee while they cleaned your mess. Geez 🙄

  3. Deliberate spillage. Because because someone saye i turned around….
    Because the camera goes directly at him, with a fake cry from friend. Bad editor with disrespect if she had her phone in her pocket it would not have spilled. Sarah May

  4. The fact that she felt it important to record putting a straw in a coffee with one hand and half a brain cell is why karma spilled her coffee. Next time use two brain cells and two hands to complete simple tasks.

  5. Dude looks like his soul was just evicted from his body. I can’t imagine how miserable it must be to constantly be interrupted in public because fans think artists owe them.

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