اليوم الرابع السعيد من VLOGMAS 🎅🏽🎄 سأقوم بنشر مقاطع فيديو عيد الميلاد لمدة 25 يومًا !! سأبذل قصارى جهدي لأجعلكم جميعًا في روح عيد الميلاد😜 قناة بيرناس: ​⁠​⁠@emogurI choloboyschannel: ​⁠​⁠@CholoBoyyy Isaiahs tiktok: @z.ayy559 jackieschannel: ​⁠​⁠@jaacckkiiiee sergioschannel : ​⁠​⁠@killsmartyr. اجتماعياتي؛ سناب شات : انستقرام : تيك توك : |موقع قفشات


25 تعليق

  1. Video ideas : Blind, deaf and mute baking
    : fun games
    : make letters to save and then read it a year later
    : Go camping
    : Never have I ever
    : We listen and we don't judge
    : wish list
    : Christmas shopping
    : wrapping presents

  2. Berna what happened to you and danni since you met Jackie you haven’t talked about danni like aren’t you guys friends anymore and she became friends with Jackie out of nowhere and I don’t get why like you two are opposites you and Danny looked the same I a TikTok she made in her account about doing clown makeup I thought danni was you

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