هل ستدفن كورتني كارداشيان الأحقاد مع شقيقها؟ شاهد المحادثة المتبادلة بين كيم وكورت في برنامج “Keeping Up With the Kardashians”. #KUWTK #KeepingUpWithTheKardashians #EEntertainment #KimKardashian #KhloeKardashian #KourtneyKardashian #KylieJenner #KendallJenner #KrisJenner الاشتراك: حول Keeping Up With the Kardashians: يأخذ برنامج “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” المشاهدين إلى ما هو أبعد من العناوين الرئيسية وإلى القصص التي تهيمن على دورة الأخبار. ه فقط! لديه القصة غير المروية وراء كل لحظة من لحظات كارداشيان وكل لحظة أكبر مما تعرفه. تواصل مع Kardashians: قم بزيارة موقع KUWTK: شاهد حلقة KUWTK الكاملة:: مثل KUWTK على FACEBOOK: تابع KUWTK على TWITTER: تابع KUWTK على Instagram: About E! الترفيه: ه! موجود على Pulse of Pop Culture، حيث يقدم للمعجبين أفضل محتوى أصلي بما في ذلك المسلسلات الواقعية والبرامج الموضعية والعروض الخاصة الحصرية والأخبار الترفيهية العاجلة والمزيد. لا يمكن للمشاهدين المتحمسين الاكتفاء من أغاني ثقافة البوب لدينا بما في ذلك “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” و”Total Divas” و”Very Cavallari”. ومع البرمجة الأصلية الجديدة في الطريق، سيكون لدى المعجبين المزيد مما سيحبونه. يمكنك البث الآن على Peacock. قم بزيارة موقع E! INSTAGRAM: تابع E! على TWITTER: تابع E! على Spotify: KUWTK |. كيم تحث كورتني على إنهاء Chymoji Beef مع Rob E!
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47 تعليق
Kim's Phone Case Got Me Confused a little Bit.

Kim's case is literally conversation hearts that say "send nudes"
I really want to feel that breeze

whos watching this in 2021?
kims phone case tho XD
Kourt looks so bomb here
Just noticed that Kim saved her brother's name as Rob Kardashian
Well, I would just say that like these chicks would be like totally like lost without their precious little smart
phones….like totally……
Well, like I would just like to say that like these chicks would be like lost and lonely without their like precious
little smart phones……
This was the most Un-entertaining video
Kourtney looks old
Kim has the best phone cases
They wonder why Rob is the way he is and it's because they all think he has to answer to them. I doubt any single one of them has ever gone to Rob for his approval before making decisions.
0:19 seems like she’s modelling for a photo
.. the wind and her face 

Kourtney is giving off Pochahantis energy here.
Cool phone case kim
Kourtney looks so pretty here
"i know what it's like for you to have your first baby and people aren't supportive"
"took like years for people to like Scott"
LMAOO 0:25 the dramatic pause? The hair blowing? The dramatic head turn? Kourtney is a GODDESS
Not feeling Kourtney's choker
It's weird that she doesn't address Chyna directly…
I'm sorry but is anybody going to talk about Kim's phone case

I want kim's phone case XD
does anyone have a hayu account i can borrow?? I want to watch all the seasons but my parents won't let me plssss I'm such a fan of the kardashians and it would be the biggest help x
You Kim
Who stores their brothers name with second name on their phones?
"It took years for everyone to like Scott" and now she doesn't like him. Lolz, poor Scott.
Kim's phone cover is lit

if you noticed 

Ok Can we all just check kim’s phone case for a moment?
Why they always wearing those thing round they neck? Almost like they hidin Adam’s apples or wutever
0:23 queen kourtney
DRAMA my favorite thing on the show my favourite Drama with Rob
That's pause had me dead at 25
i looooove kim's phone case lmaoo
I remember seeing their Snapchat from this day lol
0:9 lol that phone case tho
can we talk about Kims phone case
Omg I thought chymoji was a type of beef
Kim’s phone case tho
The phone case is great
I want Kim’s phone case lol
“Well it’s like even like i know what it’s like to be like having your first baby…”
"Well it's like, even like, I know what it's like, to be like…"
Kourtney is so monotone it’s unreal
0:25 Kourtney to being a Queen