التوأمة تماما! التقطت بلاك شينا صورة سيلفي مع ابنتها دريم البالغة من العمر عامين لتثبت أنهما متشابهتان تمامًا، وكتبت في تعليقها: “هل ترين ذلك؟” في حين أن صورتها المفاجئة جعلت العديد من المعجبين يقومون بلقطة مزدوجة، أجاب البعض أنهم يعتقدون أن دريم لا تزال بمثابة جرس ميت لوالدها، روب كارداشيان. » الاشتراك: » قم بزيارة موقعنا: احصل على مزيد من الوصول: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: OfficialAccess #AccessHollywood #BlacChyna #DreamKardashian |موقع قفشات
التوأمة تماما! التقطت بلاك شينا صورة سيلفي مع ابنتها دريم البالغة من العمر عامين لتثبت أنهما متشابهتان تمامًا، وكتبت في تعليقها: “هل ترين ذلك؟” في حين أن صورتها المفاجئة جعلت العديد من المعجبين يقومون بلقطة مزدوجة، أجاب البعض أنهم يعتقدون أن دريم لا تزال بمثابة جرس ميت لوالدها، روب كارداشيان. » الاشتراك: » قم بزيارة موقعنا: احصل على مزيد من الوصول: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: OfficialAccess #AccessHollywood #BlacChyna #DreamKardashian |موقع قفشات
36 تعليق
Angie! Your mom wants to see her grandkids!
motherhood is such a blessing
The only one that brought Kardashian family name
Dream is beautiful. Both her children are sweet looking. Both resemble their respective dads more than they do her. Nothing is wrong with that. You can tell the children are very happy too.
Its sad that none of these kids know what a real family is, with a mom and dad in the same home. They will undoubtedly create the same scenario when they grow up, having baby after baby out of wedlock and bringing forth many illegitimate children.
Dream is beautiful and I hope shell love and appreciate her natural beauty when she grow uup
Chyna is a good mom!
Dream is beautiful, she’s Chyna’s Mini Me!!!

I've always said that dream was the best-looking Kardashian baby and then next it's on stormy but those are the two best looking grandchildren that Kris Jenner has
Dream is the beautiful kardashian baby no offense ♥♥♥

I hate that Blac bitch
Her baby don’t even look black
She looks like her father.
They are twins now, go back and find China before surgery pics
She look like the both. Black China is pretty. The baby is pretty. Rob is o.k.
She’s so cute she looks like both Chyna an Rob what a little cutie
Never..that child looks nothing like the Bride of Chucky
U can tell which nostril she likes best
She does look like Rob.
Awww she's cute part mom part dad True Dream and Stormi my favorite
Awww, both have the greatest n prettiest cheeks ever! Mother and daughter togetherness. Sooo sweet making memories. Godspeed!
4 her sake nooooooo l ol
She is so pretty, looking like your mom!!! (Beautiful)
Dream got her looks from her Armenian roots, the Kardashians..
Mom and daughter are beautiful, but she looks just like her dad

What a beautiful happy girl!
Didn't Angela get a nose job.
More like China trying to look like her….every one knows she look exactly like rob.
Beautiful mixture
She looks like chyna and rob shes beautiful….
Absolutely beautiful

That child is beautiful, looks nothing like that train wreck mom of hers.
She's a cutie
Robs twin though!