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24 تعليق

  1. Maino trying to pretend like his music is current or relevant. Smh, it was closer to the 90s than to current day so what's with the attitude?? That was rude of him.
    I guess I don't understand why they have a show? Are the 2 ladies qualified? They didn't represent well here on TEA GIF.

  2. I’m late, but always on time. Lol… just catching up on shows I missed.

    I don’t care for Maino.🤷🏽‍♀️ Rubbed me the wrong way by continuously cutting off Al. He was all loud & wrong!

    Claudia, only you, Al & Funky are allowed to speak on hot topics. 😂 I had to fast forward those Kitchen Talk folks. Don’t let it happen again 😂

  3. I recently found out that Native Americans can go to any college in the United States for free. So I was wondering why aren't there more Native American doctors and nurses I work in the medical field and I can tell you I've worked all over the U.S not like other cultures I have not met maybe a couple Native Americans…..🤷🏽‍♀️

  4. It’s because Black people want money when it shouldn’t come in dollars it should come in actual things that’ll change our lives like FREE COLLEGE EDUCATION along with paying for books, supplies, and housing. We need to think smarter, those dollars will only go back into the pockets of the government, what about getting something we will always be able to use and be able to make millions of dollars over the long term.

  5. Everyone is talking about Will Smith, but what about Chris Rock, that was the person who got slapped, Will needs to be the real person and call for a meeting with Chris and apologize! He apologized to the academy, but he should have apologized to Chris because we all know that stress can cause you to do stupid things!!

  6. If ur family is not traced here at least b4 the 1910 then 🤷🏾‍♀️ and let’s be clear most black people from other countries didn’t come over here until after the civil rights laws were passed.

  7. To touch base on the will smith situation I find it disgusting that the public feels like they can dictate how someone should be handled in the industry or just in everyday life. This whole Will Smith situation open my eyes to how as a society we're becoming just like the Hunger Games. Thinking that everyone's business is their business, thinking that we can determine someone's fate. This is really weird and disturbing. And I find it so hypocritical of women to be blaming Jada for another man's actions… that's some half ass backwards shit that y'all be doing. But what should I expect from people that did a whole me-too movement and now basically sell themselves out for free. Yall Name that ("women empowerment") lmao 🤣 what a joke. y'all be turning on each other for anyting. Sad 😔

  8. Hey y’all 👋🏽
    2:10 – Oh?! Do tell Q. 👀 🍵 🫖
    4:12 – Agreed Al. It seems there has been a collective waiting for something to happen to bring up to the office POC.
    5:03 – Come on Claudia! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    6:02 – Will resigned + been banned for 10 years.
    8:40 – FACTS Q! Consequences…
    10:13 – Great point Al! She 😆 + said she didn’t need Will to protect her.
    11:53 – RIP 🕊. Strength to his family friends.
    14:11 – This really comes of as a publicity stunt.
    17:25 – Hello Kitchen Talk. Good luck.
    31:14 – Ashanti 💵 for that ⭐️.
    32:44 – Right. Come w/the facts Al.
    36:16 – “ I’ont want it!” 😆
    37:18 – Some people TALK TOO MUCH.
    40:43 – Child, details are going to whittle the number down as far as possible before any action happens.
    👋🏽 Soulmates ❤️ ✌🏽

  9. Funky D always speak the truth! I rather my man protect me with someone is trying to rob our home,myself or our children instead of making a mockery of himself with putting his hands on a nonviolent black man. Praying for Chris Rock and Willard Smith.❤🙏

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