تقول والدة بلاك شينا، طوكيو توني، إنها لم تكن تتحدث عن القاضي في محاكمة ابنتها عندما قالت: “سأحصل على ذلك القاضي”… وتقول إن الأمر كله يتعلق بكريس جينر. الاشتراك: حول TMZ: يُنسب الفضل دائمًا إلى TMZ في نشر أكبر القصص التي تهيمن على مشهد الأخبار الترفيهية وتغيير الطريقة التي يحصل بها الجمهور على أخبارهم. تعد TMZ، التي تشير إليها وسائل الإعلام بانتظام، أحد مصادر الأخبار الترفيهية الأكثر استشهادًا في العالم. اشترك في TMZ على YouTube للحصول على أخبار المشاهير العاجلة/القيل والقال والرؤى من موظفي غرفة الأخبار، وأفضل المقاطع من TMZ على التلفزيون، وفيديو Raw & Uncut TMZ (من TMZ.com) وأحدث فيديو من TMZ Sports وTMZ Live! نحن نحب هوليوود، ولكن لدينا طريقة مضحكة لإظهار ذلك. هل تحتاج إلى المزيد من TMZ؟ موقع TMZ: مثل TMZ على الفيسبوك! اتبع TMZ على تويتر! اتبع TMZ على Instagram! TMZ على التلفاز وTMZ Sports على FS1 معلومات اللحن: TMZ متاح على نظام iOS! TMZ متاح على نظام Android! حصلت على نصيحة؟ اتصل بـ TMZ: اطلع على TMZ Live وTMZ Sports وtoofab! TMZ لايف: اشترك! TMZ Live: TMZ Sports: اشترك! TMZ Sports: Toofab: اشترك! تووفاب:
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24 تعليق
What the heck are all these people talking about? All these B's are cheap, fake and ridiculous.
Why do the kardasians look like a bunch of stuff face allience
What's her dad's name? Beijing Brad
Is the son Japan Jimmy
she makin a livin sellin these vids to tmz????
Period. Tokyo’s such an authentic vibe, she deserves that reality show I’d be streaming that over the fake Karplaticans anyday
She always says dumb stuff like this, when she said on a love that Chyna was a R4P3 baby AND when Chyna confronted her she just started screaming saying I didnt say that the media manipulated the video. She should stop doing the kind of drug she's using or just say the truth
They don’t have enough class to be called Chyna or Tokyo…
The Kardashian’s are big time witches it’s insane the biggest witch family on the west coast and one of the biggest in the world!
What is her instagram?
Dope content
Team blac chyna!!
Why does taz continue too poetry black women as butter spiting ignorant" big booty hoes" . Where's the classy respectable ones … Where are the "Spontaneous Ecstasy's " of the black female community ? The champions of class and sophistication . Every one is apudding Kim kardassion for a movie that I have never scene . But what about "Spontaneous Ecstasy " for breaking down racial barriers shooting movies back in the day . We need more women of colour like that and less "Big Booty Hoes" like the kardasians
Paid for by the kardashians lol
Blacc China and Tokyo Toni . I know that s not their real names but wtf
TMZ only reports on the negative aspects of the case regarding Chyna and her mother …they have yet to come out with videos regarding the actual case and facts ..hmmm I wonder why ??
Nobody cares
She dare to call someone ugly and scary without looking at herself in the mirror,and she and her daughter forget that both of them aren't natural too
Everything about blac china is fake including her hair and eyelashes!!
Tokyo Toni try to be careful with words
That old junkie Needs to stop she not even a celebrity stop talking toyko junkie
Crypto currency and NFTs will outsmart the banking system in the nearest future serving as a global fiat. $28,000 just in two weeks Mrs Angela Cole Carr you are so amazing
TMZ always tearing down Black Woman