يحتفل روب كارداشيان وبلاك شينا بطفلهما في الطريق – ولكن ليس بدون بعض الدراما العائلية! شاهد ماذا يحدث في “Rob & Chyna”. الاشتراك: حول E! الترفيه: ه! موجود على Pulse of Pop Culture، حيث يقدم للمعجبين أفضل محتوى أصلي بما في ذلك المسلسلات الواقعية والبرامج الموضعية والعروض الخاصة الحصرية والأخبار الترفيهية العاجلة والمزيد. لا يمكن للمشاهدين المتحمسين الاكتفاء من أغاني ثقافة البوب لدينا بما في ذلك “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” و”Total Divas” و”Very Cavallari”. ومع البرمجة الأصلية الجديدة في الطريق، سيكون لدى المعجبين المزيد مما سيحبونه. شاهد الحلقات الكاملة: تواصل مع E! Entertainment: تفضل بزيارة موقع E! : تابعوا E! على Spotify: Rob & Chyna |. هل يشتعل طوكيو توني في حفل استقبال الطفل Blac Chyna؟
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30 تعليق
Blac Chyna is so resilient
I don’t know who dislikes Chyna more her mom or the k sisters.
Or what's going to get into her
They were so jealous and hateful towards her. Smh. At the end of the day, it is a celebration of your neice/granddaughter being ALIVE! To not show up shows a very crappy personality.
This was really predatory cause it looked like Toni was in her seat giving Chyna her space to schnazz without getting in the middle. This is a baby shower, sure but the mother of the pregnant woman isn’t entitled to be stuck beside her. That’s only required of a husband during a wedding when you’re being introduced to the husbands family.
And NONE OF YOUR FAMILY WAS THERE ROB?! SO they Chose a fashion show and either being seen or making money over your child’s shower? TRASH
I can’t believe Rob
he has
He is just so weak
I wouldn’t expect him to be like this with the genes
The star is TOKYO not CHYNA

I really hate the Kardashians- Jenners didnt come to the baby shower. But things happen.
Chyna has 2 Babydaddies Tyga & Rob Kardashian the 1st bd was a good Match for Chyna.
All the more reason the Kartrashian family makes me gag. Angela White really wanted to be part of the family,even saying at one point she would change her name. They did her dirty,and hope they go broke.
I love scott for that, scott always be around them even when they push the away not talking about robert but the girls they always push him to the side or get mad cause he goes along. robert and scott been good for many years love that
When chyna was a normal person acting down to earth. I think rob humbled her more than anything.
One thing about Scott, he's gonna be by his family no matter what drama there is.
Everyone knew rob and chyna relationship was based off money from the beginning. That’s why they really didn’t like her like that
Should be more like Rob vs China
This is probably a super slap in the face to Rob for not ONE of his sisters or parents to show up.
Let’s be clear, they did not come bc they simply don’t like Chyna.
The family never agreed with Rob and Chyna there I said it
Tokyo needs her own show!! There i said it!
Was that when Kim got robbed??
shame on yall for cancelling her show and now capletalizing on the court caae by showing old episodes of season one. just give her a show. its obviously every one will watch
Damn all the them had to go? Not even one sister or kris
kinda fucked up
This show was boring anyway and the Kardashians did not want to be there. Smh
They had commitments in Paris, that’s their bread and butter…. Chyna could’ve easily made the shower a week before or after but she obviously wouldn’t work with them, SHE’S the petty one
This just burns me because of what’s goin on now smh
Ghetto if I ever heard the word.
I truly believe that they did loved each other but the kkk plays a big role in there failed relationship And there is one huge reason the sisters are upset the real 1st kardasian grand child is Dream and she's the only with that name
This shows that they really didn’t like her because she dared to get them back for what they did to her first!
Did she say it's her 1st pregnancy
Them bitvhes was in Paris on purpose.