وأضافت الشخصية التليفزيونية أنه كان “مؤلمًا جدًا” عدم تواصل أي من عائلة كارداشيان معها منذ أن قام روب كارداشيان بتسريب صور فاضحة لها. |موقع قفشات
وأضافت الشخصية التليفزيونية أنه كان “مؤلمًا جدًا” عدم تواصل أي من عائلة كارداشيان معها منذ أن قام روب كارداشيان بتسريب صور فاضحة لها. |موقع قفشات
23 تعليق
Lmao here ROOTING FOR CHY!!! But if it was a black man leaking a white woman's pics then y'all wouldn't have had that same energy. #TEAMCHY
Her brows are EVERYTHING!
I was devastated too …
Black. Chyna. IS……………….. NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is this news ? Fucking pathetic . Focus on the child trafficking
I'm devastated that you don't have captions for me and 1,000s of other Americans that need them :'( I hope your future content will.
Back to the pole you go
All love boo
She wants to be Kim so bad she probably leaked her new sex tape herself she’s just mad cause it wasn’t a good tape

Interesting since just recently a video of her performing oral sex takin on her fone was put on the Internet , ugh sad
Black chyna sounds like Cardi with a lower pitch voice
ducks on tv now
she sounds like Nikki Minaj
Shes just disgusting in any way
she looks like the ugliest barbie doll that every single girl on this planet had during childhood.
Life in America is a circus.
1. Stripper gets famous somehow.
2. People watch shows about Kardashians and other bull-hit as if it's real life.
3. Stripper gets married/engaged to the said Kardashians.
4. Stripper poses for rude photos.
5. Stripper gets dumped and her photos go online.
6. Stripped is devastated. Oh no, what will people think? Good gosh!
7. Stripper decides to get richer, and like a true American she takes her Bf/husband to court.
8. News report on the story! Stripper got upset because her ex posted her photos! It's crime of a century!
9. Americans get super excited – whats next? Will she get richer? Will her ex go to jail?
10. In the mean time the stripper gets arrested for drugs possession in the airport and gets released. But hey, who gives a sh-t, she is rich, right? She is living the American Dream and democracy has prevailed – jail is only for peasants!
Y’all siding with Chyna? Smh Rob is in the wrong too this man leaked her nudes what a Dumbass man.
when he post the photos, its on the Internet. The Internet is all over the world not just in California. Also why can't Kardashian speak out on it, doesn't he have freedom of speech rights being an American?
She’s not even good looking top that shit with her nasty attitude. Rob needs some batteries for his eyes.
I cannot believe there is such a thing as revenge porn. what the difference if you bare all anyway. If Chyna is so famous and advocates for all these charities then why is she so worried about her looks?
My life's more interesting woah
Devastated? After you trick the vulnerable/gullible Rob Kardashian into having a child with you securing a lifetime child support then dump him after accomplishing your goal, driving the guy to insanity, you’re the victim in all this. Okay…