😊 اليوم سأقوم بتصنيف بعض من أطرف الميمات الحديثة من مجتمعنا. مع بعض الإضافات الإضافية – بعضها حقًا من فئة POO (الإفراط في الحماس المرضي)! هل تريد المزيد من الميمات الوحشية أو مجتمعًا من الأشخاص ذوي الأنماط العصبية الداعمين والمتنوعين عصبيًا؟ إنهم في مرحلة ما بعد الخلاف؛ ينضم PIERRE NOVELLIE إلى البث المباشر ليوم الثلاثاء 🔴🎤 شاهد البث هنا (مباشر ومسجل بعد ذلك): شاهد أيضًا أحدث عرض كوميدي خاص لبيير: 📚 TEA & TAILS لماذا لا يمكنني الاستمتاع بالأشياء فقط؟: دليل الممثل الكوميدي للتوحد بقلم بيير نوفيللي (هذه هي الروابط التابعة التي تولد عمولة صغيرة للقناة دون أي تكلفة عليك إذا اخترت استخدامها). 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 المناطق الزمنية لمذكراتك! الثلاثاء 19 نوفمبر 2024 الساعة 8 مساءً بتوقيت المملكة المتحدة/لندن. توقيت المحيط الهادئ (توقيت المحيط الهادئ): 12:00 مساءً MST (التوقيت الجبلي القياسي): 1:00 مساءً بتوقيت شرق الولايات المتحدة (التوقيت الرسمي الشرقي): 3:00 مساءً AEDT (التوقيت الصيفي الشرقي لأستراليا): 7:00 صباحًا (يوم الأربعاء) 📌 ابق على اتصال: قم بتنشيط جرس الإشعارات وزر الاشتراك ليتم إعلامك عندما أقوم بإصدار محتوى جديد. 📸 أنا الآن على Instagram: 👩🏼‍💻 والويب: 👨‍⚖️ إخلاء المسؤولية: أنا لست متخصصًا في الرعاية الصحية أو معالجًا نفسيًا. إذا كنت تشاهد هذا وتشعر أنك بحاجة إلى دعم فوري للصحة العقلية، فيرجى الاطلاع على قائمة خطوط المساعدة للصحة العقلية على [HelpGuide.org](هنا: إذا قابلت شخصًا واحدًا مصابًا بالتوحد (أو اضطراب فرط الحركة ونقص الانتباه)، فقد قابلت شخصًا واحدًا. هذه حالة طيفية، وقد تكون العديد من السمات مختلفة، أو لها تفسيرات بديلة لأعراضك. إذا كنت في شك، فارجع إلى طبيب نفساني وليس من مستخدمي YouTube التشخيص الذاتي صالح! |موقع قفشات


30 تعليق

  1. I started watching your videos as they provided valuable perspectives during my recent diagnostic journey, so firstly, thank you!

    Secondly, your voice has always sounded so familiar and it suddenly hit me today – it's Prof. Brian Cox! Maybe you've heard that lots already…apologies if it's old news. But If you ever feel like saying 'the vastness of the universe is mind-boggling' – or something equally Prof Cox-esque that would be awesome.

  2. I had a great-uncle that decided he didn't like being around people, and permanently moved into the woods. His sister would bring him groceries, phone messages, and mail at agreed upon times (so he didn't have to go into town). It was a solid plan.

  3. We have a cheery (slightly manic) answerphone message my daughter recorded ages ago: "Hello, you've reached the sprite that lives in our telephone. There's nobody who can answer your call right now, but please do leave a message, because I love to pass them on!" My reasoning (when I'm in) is, if they can't be bothered to leave a message I'm definitely not going to answer; if they do I'll consider it. Every week or two we'll check the messages to see if there's anything important.

  4. I've never seen your work before. I have a metric. If I get to the end of your video and think "awww, it's over!" then you don't get just a thumbs up, you get a subscription. That content was brilliant!

  5. So you better get ad bucks for this vid – I was washing dishes and one of those, “I’m a doctor and I’ll tell you the secret for (fixing/curing/reducing) X, if you just stick with me” ads came on. So I let it run, because doing dishes, but 20 minutes later that ‘doctor’ (who was not like those social influencers who don’t have medical degrees, I’ll have you know) did manage to tell me about their self-medically tested cream (as you know that is the scientific method all cool docs use: make cream, test on self, yes is good! Sell! Miracle cure accomplished!), but had not managed to finish talking about the horrors of – dark spots – and so I had to turn it off. Still, at the very least you are getting this comment, which will hopefully help boost the vid. Also, well listening I couldn’t help thinking in a world without autism there would not only be a noticeable lack of interesting collections, but I also imagine the section of the store with miracle creams, like the one I ‘learned’ about would be just as large, but hopelessly disorganized. In fact, would the store even have sections? Products definitely wouldn’t be in lines. Perhaps we would just throw them all in the bin.

  6. The internet ate my comment. In regards to the brain dopamine and serotonin machine being broke, it reminded me of my friend, that during a mathematics exam she burst out into song. She sung: The Internet is for Porn. Realized she sung it out loud, she just giggled and smiled and continued her exam, but her brain would not let the song go. Her brain kept up the entire exam. She has such a charming personality to be able to do that. No idea what the other exam classmates felt our thought of her little serenade.

    As for BG3, I love rangers and druids. I tried to start a dark urges campaign, with Asterion. I could not take it and gave up by the time I got to the Druid Enclave.

    One of my first obsessive interests was Winnie the Pooh and I have a little collection of plushies, books in English and Danish. I had a bigger collection before I moved form the US to the EU.

  7. I only recently realized how many people I probably freaked out in high school because I was told that not making eye contact is rude. So I was just over here basically staring people down in the hallways while smiling to show I'm friendly. I probably looked like I should have been in that Smile movie 🤦🏼‍♀️

  8. Unfortunately sometimes a text or an email simply won't do – like in case of emergency. I used to struggle incredibly with phonecalls, but through practice things have gotten easier for me (though it'll never be effortless)

  9. My mom was happy i got my other diagnosis removed, but she was worried about the Autism label, she constantly said in the beginning that "oh but labels aren't helpful" and "The label doesn't define you"..
    Well in Denmark we have free healthcare, but if i am to get help with my Autism i NEED the diagnosis or there is no help..
    We have a great welfare system that helps people who cant work too, again here i actually NEEDED the diagnosis to help my case, otherwise i would have been asked to work small hours, something that we had found out by trying it out for 2 years, was unfortunately draining me too much.
    Today my mom uses the label, she found its easier to say "oh my daughter has Autism, she is so intelligent, but the energy just isn't there" instead of explaining that i cant work due to mental and physical health reasons that are beyond her comprehension. She also accepts how Im feeling even though she cant understand it 🙂 So the label does work, it just needs time <3

  10. My partner who works in IT worked at a job where overtime where quite normal in the end of a sprint (its was every fucking sprint *sigh*) but the company gave dinner and they where free to choose, so they ALWAYS chose the MOST expensive place to get Burgers or Thai food or Sushi lol 😂
    He got a lot of nice foods there, but luckily he found another job after 2 years of constant overworking.. "Its part of the job description, that's why the salary is so high" explain to me why he got so much more at his now 3'rd job where, yes he can overwork, but seriously nobody does unless its a bug that breaks the whole system..

    People, promise me to have some self respect, and value your own time. Don't be as loyal as my golden retriever energy partner, he had to learn the hard way and where on the brink of stopping work completely due to stress.. Yes overtime can be necessary, but not every week or every other week. Say no, lie, i don't care how you get out of it but don't overwork yourself constantly just because the job asks you to.

  11. I have been tempted for a while now to make a voicemail message along the lines of "Those who actually know me do not leave messages." as it is otherwise blank as I never set one up. But since only the GP does… I wonder if it would change anything. >.>

  12. The efficacy of Anti-Bullying campaigns depend on the school. My oldest is Non-verbal, 10 yrs old, was at the school designated by the county as the "Special Ed" school. He was being bullied everyday, actively encouraged by the teacher who didnt want him in her class. (No, we dont have a lawsuit, though I have the evidence to prove the school knew about it for months and never informed any of us. )

    He is now at the same school as his little brother, and although it isnt the actual EC (Extra-Curricular) school, it is actually becoming known throughout the community as the "EC Friendly" school.
    This new school has an entirely different feel about it, and it feels good. There is a new teacher that started picking on my son, and the other students in the class put a stop to it. I am really liking this school. The anti-bullying campaign is working at this school.

    So, as I began with, the efficacy of the Anti-Bullying campaign depends on the school.

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