قام Yo Gotti بتوقيع زميله مغني الراب Memphis Moneybagg Yo على علامة تسجيل CMG الخاصة به، وقد حقق Moneybagg الكثير من النجاح في هذه الصناعة. بصرف النظر عن الاهتمام الذي يحظى به لموسيقاه، فإنه يظل في مدونات القيل والقال بسبب علاقته السامة مع نموذج Instagram آري فليتشر. أيها الأحبة، لقد حان الوقت لربط حزام الأمان لأن هذا قد يكون أكثر الرومانسية الفوضوية إثارة التي ناقشناها على الإطلاق هنا في RRG. #MoneybaggYo #AriFletcher #RedFlags *************** جرب وجباتنا الخفيفة: استمع إلى آلاتنا الموسيقية: *************** شاهد سلسلة Red Flag الخاصة بنا : ===================================================================================================== RRG، نحن نطمح إلى تقديم محتوى عالي الجودة وجذاب يجعلك ترى المشاهير المفضلين لديك في ضوء مختلف. نحن نسعى جاهدين لتحري الدقة، ولكن إذا سمعت شيئًا يبدو غير صحيح، فأخبرنا بذلك في قسم التعليقات. إذا كان لديك موضوع تريد أن نناقشه، اترك اقتراحك في قسم التعليقات. لا يمكننا إنشاء كل مقطع فيديو يتم طلبه، وسيتم حذف طلبات الفيديو المرسلة إلى عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بالعمل لدينا.
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38 تعليق
How ghetto, toxic and immature is this relationship. Ewwww…. wtf. Domestic Violence is never cute. WTF… who follows these people?
Most cringe social media couple…both broke in a few years
She says “that’s like clapping back with no hands “




I always get down low vibes from him.
Skai Jackson up next
8:18 “… for your dusty

That girl is evil..
Ooooh chile, the ghetto just got them in the strongest of chokeholds
I think it was promotion I don’t think that she actually bought that man land. Just look at what happened with her friend and his birthday gift. I think that lots of these instagramlebrities do things for traffic
girl i ran to this video
Ari looks like jigsaw
The fact she is so insensitive really throws me off. Being a good human being is priceless unfortunatel a big ego will burn aĺ the bridges in your life
He been playing on her ground for the longest ready to fuss with another woman all it’ll likely take for this disastrous relationship to end is to have a baby. Ever since I seen her on Chris Cousan video when he told her to twerk for him she smiled and didn’t deny it at all,giggling and more. That told me proof that she will be wild in these streets soon as her and moneyB break up. These black relationships just keep getting worse don’t see true love in it anymore.

All them damn kids!!
This video proves WHY I TRULY CAN'T STAND THIS COUPLE!! They are fucking DISGUSTING!
Funny looking
Meg had a song out saying something about a Money Bagg not too long ago
@RRG @11:01 Auntie, she wasn't ready to throw the whole relationship away. She was getting the attention of other dumb rappers who will now be more than willing to take her when money leave again. That was insurance

They deserve each other honestly….She has Horrible energy and a spoon head..
This girl is a straight up blockhead! Does she have any type of education?? The internet is the worst thing that could ever have happened to some of our ppl
They're BOTH so odd looking
Im sorry. Applehead is so funny looking. What dies be see in her?
I don't want it if he puts hands on u
Yes, Aunt Regina, I'm here for the Hot
Stankin Mess.
When God shows u signs take heed
Can’t raise noooo man or teach them how to be a man
He lost weight and getting healthy he’s looking Better and Healthier
Too much STIs and HIV going around to be having 3somes and creeping etc
She lost all her friends Dream, Tuscan and Jayda she’s the problem
This isn’t my relationship goals and I don’t. Care for her and never did her attitude and ego is a turn off
Moneybagg Yo has always been vocal about his baby mama “Juicy” being his first and only love. He’s said multiple times if she took him back, he’d leave everyone else alone. Ari begged him on Twitter to denounce her and refused and deleted his tweets. Whatever he buys juicy he buys Ari
He's not attractive.