يُحاكم رجل متهم بقتل شابين أسودين، ويتم استدعاء اثنتي عشرة امرأة للعمل في هيئة المحلفين. وبعد المداولة، اقتنع أحد المحلفين بأن الرجل غير مذنب، بينما ادعت الأغلبية أنه مذنب. تجري محادثة تتكون من الحجج والتحالفات والعنف القريب. ماذا سيكون الحكم؟ بطولة درو سيدورا، وأنجيلا “بلاك شينا” وايت، وإريكا بينكيت، وأليكسيس “ليكسي” ووكر، تعرف على المزيد عن نساء لجنة التحكيم: اشترك معنا الآن ► حول مافريك ► المزيد من الأفلام، مجانًا على YouTube: أفلام كاملة » instagram • facebook • twitter • tiktok • #MaverickMovies |موقع قفشات


21 تعليق

  1. The women play an excellent role in why innocent people receive life and the death penalty. The first mistake is not looking at the evidence and applying personal issues to someone else case which has to be separated. The second is based on race and whichever race harmed the same race on the jury most of the jury of the same race wants the other race to be guilty. Third, not caring about reinstating the facts. There are more factors. The three most important factors are violated taking away thousands of lives, if we state around the World, millions of lives. A grand jury can indict someone fighting for their property, love ones, and life that the law state is legal. The grand jury disregards the law which is a criminal offense. The grand jury will not indict on break INS, unlawful separation of families attacks, and ongoing violence against families. The ones involved have to be held liable for all the lives lost because of their devious and ignorant ways. They should receive life in prison. I think ALL voters should watch this movie to see what kind of damages the voters have contributed to society remaining in hate groups. A very sick culture. A must see movie. Thanks for sharing.

  2. 2 Co 13:: ….. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established. Jn 7:24
    Do not quickly decide whether something is right or wrong just because of what you see. Instead, think about it carefully. Then you will judge in a right way.’

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