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48 تعليق

  1. بنات ادري ذي المعلومة مارح تفيد احد بس لما راحت البيت بعد ما راحو يفطرو مع امها الطاولة الي في الصالة نفس حقتنا

  2. يا جماعه اي حد ضايف جوجو على السناب يعلمني كيف ابي ارد ع استورياتها بلييييز قولو لي ❤ لاني توي كيف فتحت السناب ارجوكم ❤

  3. انا صراحه استغرب من بعض البنات الي يهاجموها ترا هي لمن تخرج ما تحط مكياج مرا كثير ترتب شكلها وبعدين لسا ما تنقبت والحجاب حاطته زين مرا ولا مبينه شعرها ولا تبين جسمها ولاشي مرا انتو غريبين صراحه البنت كيوت و تجنن وتدينا نصايح عن الصلاه ومحتواها ديني و يجنن اشفيه انتو تنتقدو اي احد على اليوت و انت لمن تطلع من البيت الله و اعلم كيف تستر نفسك لا تهمز على غيره 😢

  4. يا بناتتت ادعولييييييي 🦪
    امتحان فزيه وجبت العيد. 🫣💔
    اكثر شي اكره انو ادرس وماجوبببب 😩

    بس ادعوليييييي 🥀صف ثالث متوسط 😭
    من العراق. 😩

  5. سلام جوجو الله يخليك ويدخلك الجنه بالله عليك ممكن ترسلي ليا المراجعات
    عشان انا السنه الجايه ٢ ثنوي فا بليز😢

  6. State Representative: Feeling the Pain

    State Representative Paul Baumbach, who also co-sponsored HR143, said the tragedies illustrated in the documentary were terrible. “It’s a very sad movie, and it talks about an extremely painful practice. It’s going on, and it tells the human story of the families and the friends that are affected, and the numbers are staggering,” he said.

    State Representative Paul Baumbach

    Representative Baumbach said this documentary helps people understand an ongoing and painful crime. “I feel very connected to the pain. And the scale of the pain is just, it’s very hard to fathom. So every time you learn more about it, it’s just more and more shocking,” he said.

    U.S. Senate Candidates: We Need Action

    Two U.S. Senate candidates and two state representative candidates shared similar views. “It’s actually astounding and infuriating that these types of egregious human rights problems are going on in China, and that we are aware of it in our country, and that we are not addressing the issues,” said independent Senate nominee and former State Senator Dr. Mike Katz. “But we fail because of the influence of money. It’s very concerning, and we need strong leadership in this country to step forward and to deal with it immediately.”

    Independent Senate nominee and former State Senator Dr. Mike Katz

    Senator Katz emphasized how the film revealed the true nature of communism and its harm on humanity. “It’s been a slow infiltration of communism mindset in this country. It’s occurring in our academic institutions. It’s the influence of money coming in from overseas that is teaching our students not how to critically think, but what to think. And that is very concerning about the future of our country, but it’s been going on for several years,” he said.

    Senator Katz said he has always been aware that there were human rights problems in China, and he called on people to become aware of the issues and not just stand by.

    U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hansen said he was shocked when he heard about the forced organ harvesting in China which is supported by the CCP. “It’s just such a tragedy, and the fact that the world doesn’t know about this, the fact that you’re drawing attention to it, is very important,” he said.

    U.S. Senate candidate Eric Hansen (right), with Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Peiming

    Mr. Hansen said the abhorrent crime of organ harvesting must be ended. “Get the word out, please, because it’s such a huge issue that’s being unaddressed,” he stated.

  7. اللهم اغفر لي ولوالدي وللمؤمنين والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات اللهم امين اللهم ارزقنا الجنه واعلي الفردوس وارزقنا رؤية حبيبك النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

  8. وددي اقلك انه احبك مممره ومن ايام المتوسط ونا احضرك اتذكر فيديو كنتي تحضري فيه للعيد وكذا وسكن كير هاذ اول فيديو حضرته لك اااحبك مره ترا كلمة احبك ماهي هينه ف احبك مره مره مره مره 💗💗😭

  9. كم عمرك ؟
    شفتك اخر مره قبل ٣ سنين وانتي تسوي حلا ب٣ مكونات كان عباره ان
    قسطه ونستلا و كيك و كراميل
    تغيرتي ١٨٠ درجه
    كم عمرك 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤

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