روب كارداشيان ينهار ويكشف عن عائلته التي ضحّت به │ روب يتصاعد لقد كان روب كارداشيان، الابن الوحيد لكريس جينر، مفقودًا في ظروف غامضة من الأضواء لسنوات، والآن أصبحت الهمسات أعلى مع التقارير التي تشير إلى أن عائلة كار جينر حاولت وضع روب تحت الوصاية. وأنه زعم أنه OD-ed بعد أن منعوه من رؤية ابنته !! وفقًا للعديد من المطلعين، يشعر روب بالخيانة التامة والتخلي عن عائلته، معتقدًا أنهم ضحوا به من أجل تعطشهم للشهرة. يبدو الأمر كما لو أن عائلة كارداشيان قد محت روب من حياتهم العامة ونادرا ما يذكرونه، مما يترك المعجبين يتساءلون عن صحته. تكثفت الدراما في العام الماضي عندما ظهرت شائعات مروعة حول تعاطي روب المزعوم للأدوية. وأثارت هذه الحادثة صدمة بين مجتمع المعجبين، الذين وجهوا أصابع الاتهام إلى عشيرة كار جينر، واتهموهم بإهمالهم لدرجة التضحية به من أجل نجوميتهم. ومع ذلك، قامت كريس بسحر العلاقات العامة، ولم تقم أي من وسائل الإعلام المشهورة بأخبار المشاهير بالإبلاغ عن هذه الحادثة! ولكن هذا ليس كل شيء، فهناك المزيد من الأوساخ التي تظهر للضوء! لقد قام المشجعون بالحفر بعمق واكتشفوا بعض الأدلة المذهلة. يبدو أن كريس جينر، العقل المدبر، ربما لعب دورًا في صراع روب مع وزنه. وكما لو أن ذلك لم يكن كافيًا، فقد تم استدعاء شقيقته كيم بسبب السخرية منه بلا هوادة وفضح جسده. وبحسب ما ورد دفعت هذه الديناميكيات العائلية السامة روب إلى حالة من الاكتئاب الشديد، مما جعله يشعر بالعزلة والخيانة. #celebritygossip #celebritynews #robkardashian اشترك للحصول على المزيد من دراما المشاهير: إخلاء المسؤولية: قد يحتوي المحتوى الموجود على هذه القناة على معلومات مبنية على القيل والقال أو شائعات أو تصوير مبالغ فيه للواقع. يرجى ممارسة تقديرك الخاص أثناء المشاهدة وتذكر أنه ليست كل المعلومات المقدمة قد تكون حقيقية أو تم التحقق منها |موقع قفشات
43 تعليق
I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a role in the father’s passing…….
Kardashian are so over rated.
Enough already. Rob keep moving forward. At least you still have your dignity.
ROB, You're beautiful the way you are.
Poor Rob.
Rob is a sweet, nice boy, now Man. He couldn't establish his place in the family structure. Wish I knew him to give him a hug and emotional support.
Kris doesnt care for her son. Rob looks like his dad and Kris can’t stand him
Only son and he feels like this. Sad Kris hasn’t paid enough attention to his mental health
Kim is the meanest of them all
This is so HORRIBLE
She is a selfish mother
❤❤❤😂people stop watching that garbage. Is discasting what they done to ROB
Rob has a kind spirit!
He surrounded by practicing witches who hate men and are involved in unspeakable things managed by their mother who pimps them out!
So evil!
Pray for protection mentally physically spiritually and emotionally for Rob and good people in found in his path to help and encourage him for a better life!🙏
Look at all their shoulders they allegedly are not who they say they are.
This family has always been low class, nasty and trashy! They have totally ruined all the men
in their family! They are also in with Diddy so that says all I need to know!
The witches are evil,,,, Money is their god!!! Sex is their drug!!!!! All for a tv show!!!!! The Kardashians will lose their minds and all the money they have!!!! We are in the last days!!!!
Rob is a super handsome man. He is a real amazing person.
Wow I would never care more about "my day" more than my brother!!!!! Especially since Kim has now had like 3 weddings or something like that already….. I do believe Rob needs his own accountability, but would be hard to do with family like he has!!!! I'll be praying for him to get up and find his drive!!!! He's his father's son and his Gene's are great on that side of his family
Then they paint Kourtney as the loser!
I love Rob. He is the most real and kind. They have no right to not allow him to see his beautiful daughter. I pray for Rob. Sending Rob lots of love and happiness 😊🩷🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Rob was the only normal one in that family. Kim was RUTHLESS when it came to him
I feel so bad for him, where is he??? I said my family did the same to me!!😢
That old B will burn in hell for what she's done to her family! And all for fame and $!
But kortney was tricking justin bieber to make her pregnant with Reign….and he was just a young kid….shes almost PDF 🥴🥴🥴
What you plant, its what you will harvest.
I'll take u rob
Can’t hear over that music !!
You do realize the music is louder than the commentary very annoying do better
Kardashians have ALWAYS been morally bankrupt.
Couldn't hear the last 10 minutes as the music played over it
Reminds me of Jon&Kate plus 8. The treatment of the mother to one of her boys was sooo horrible! I hope they healed.
Kris is just 1000X worst! Because she is sexualising her kids for profit! Maybe he didn’t want to be sexualised?!! Horrible all together!
Unfollow celebrities! Especially those who exploit children and young people!
Kim is a bully and has no true morals. She likes money and using it for herself.
The mom is a pimp……wish they would be canceled soon
Rob is very handsome man & sweetness many women would appreciate.
None of the Kardashian girls were naturally beautiful( bought & paid for$$$$) look at them before & after.
SO SAD 😔 😢
some mother she is………😨
No man will stay sane amongst these wicked witches.
This family is so gross ,prayers to Robert😢
He right 😢😢😢😮
Rob, go back to school, obtain a law degree and move far away from your family. Pray for healing and know you are loved by God and most people!!!
Fix your FAT problem to be there to share memories! Who the hell would want to be there to share memories with bully monsters I hope Rob finds a great support because we can see it's not his family DAMN!
The commercial that came up was a podcast called "saving Nora," but it reminds me of Rob &what he has been going through. Except Kris is his bio mom, not a step mom.
It's so sad that he is part of their family but you couldn't tell from their show. They never speak about him. u don't see him anymore & I would feel left out & abandoned also
Pray. Ha ha thats a laugh she destroyed this poor man your pathetic kim.leave rob ALONE 😔 🙁