أنجيلا وايت، المعروفة أيضًا باسم Blac Chyna، تتحدث مع Nichelle Turner من ET حول Caterina’s Club، وهي منظمة غير ربحية تركز على الشباب ويديرها الشيف الشهير برونو سيراتو. تشارك Blac Chyna سبب شعورها بأهمية الخضوع لعملية تحول جسدها ولماذا تشعر أنها تبدو الآن مثل نفسها الحقيقية. |موقع قفشات


35 تعليق

  1. This makes so much sense. What you put out on the outside is what you’re going to attract.
    If you wear skimpy outfits, you’re going to get sexualized. Not that it is justified, but that is what you’re just going to attract.

  2. I'm so proud of what you've done! You are beautiful the way you are! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! You are an inspiration to all young women around the world! 🙏😊💜❤️✝️ God bless!

  3. I pray this woman can rebrand and just be a positive role model for her children because what she is to us doesn’t matter. And I hope Tyga doesn’t punish her when it comes to her son because he was out there with her when she started off. Even if she took it way too far, you was with her in those strip clibs and I’m sure doing the drugs and living that lifestyle so when she was far gone he can’t sit back at judge her. But hopefully he just prayed she find her way out and seems like she has. I’m happy for her. And she deserves a better relationship with her kids.

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