حسابوناأااله وانيعاماألواكيل الله يخوظ ألحق فيئيسارائيل واأمريك الله يخوظ ألحق في ألخوان واظولم ليفيليساطين ماساكينا حاسابونا الله وانيعاماألواكيل خوثانا ألموساليمين واش أنتوم لكوم شاراف الله مبق غير سايبا الله غير ينوظ أسايبا في العالم كله تكناث بتنوظ أسايبا في العالم مبق والو مين لي كول شاياذ هاذ كول ألخواظات واشانو شانو حنا علاهاذ أظهيرا مينا أسايبا في فيليساطين ماساكينا
They will never change. Their while existence is about hating Jews. They have never inproved tgeir own lives – nor didxanything for humanity. In every country rhey go , from Jordan to Lebanon they only destroy those societies. The world is a better pkace withoyt Palestinians.
The number of people killed by guns in the USA in 2022 is 48,117 (Centers for Disease Control and `Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics) The number of people killed by guns in 2022 in Japan
is 4 (Japanese Government Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) The number of homeless in the USA in 2023 is 653,104 (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) The number of homeless in Japan in 2023 is 3,065 (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
The USA was built only 248 years ago after killing 95% of native American families by white-skinned poor Europeans using guns and stealing big land from California to Florida without payment of even one dollar. The USA is the first country to use atomic bombs over the heads of an uncountable number of Japanese babies and children in Hiroshima city and Nagasaki city. During the Second World War, Japan experienced indiscriminate bombing from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Tokyo was attacked by a total number of B29 4,900 and 130 times dropped an uncountable number of bombs,389,000 incendiary bombs, and 11,000 bombs over the heads of the civilians just before the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. Hiroshima city population was 350,000 at that time. The number of instants killed was 140,000 and the number of injuries was 79,130. Total number of instants killed and injured was 219,130. The heavy bomber B29 dropped the uranium atomic bomb 10,000 meters high, and the uranium exploded 600 meters above the people. Nagasaki’s population was 240,000 at that time. The number of instants killed was 73,884 and the number of injuries was 74,909. Total number of instants killed and injured was 148,793. The heavy bomber B29 dropped the plutonium atomic bomb 10,000 meters high, and the plutonium exploded 500 meters above the people. Most people were civilians, children, babies, and women. Please do not drop the atomic bombs over the heads of lovely Palestinian babies and children like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings using uranium and plutonium. Historically, the USA experienced the attack once on 9/11 in 2001 in New York until today. American people talk about it exaggeratedly on television and mass media many times. America should experience an atomic bombing once not a childish tiny 9/11 attack, as the first time the country has used the atomic bombs in human history. The USA dropped two different kinds of atomic bombs Uranium and Plutonium on the head of an uncountable number of lovely Japanese babies and children. The USA used the two different types of atomic bombs to testify of the two different bombs' abilities using many Japanese civilians as guinea pigs. At that time, the total number of Japanese civilians’ instant killed including many babies and children was 213,884. Just within one second 213,884 people were killed instantly. Instantly! !! Within one second!!! Within one second!!! Instantly!!! Many babies and children were killed instantly!!! Unbelievable! When the atomic bomb exploded at that time the temperature was 3,500 degrees. Iron melts by 1,500 degrees and the sun's surface is 6,000 degrees. Injured people 154,039 must spend hell experience for years till they die. After the dropping of the atomic bombs, everyone living in this world, 8,119,000,000 must keep silent until today for 79 years. Japan was built by the first emperor Jinmu 2,684 years ago. The USA was built 247 years ago after the slaughter of native American families. Today, it is true that Russia, China, North Korea, and other countries total 9 have 12,520 nuclear warheads and targets in every city in the USA including New York, Washington, etc. Only after the shooter pushes his finger on the button of a nuclear warhead, does every town in the USA disappear instantly from this world. If Israel dropped the atomic bomb over the heads of the lovely Palestinian babies and children at that time Israel and the USA would disappear from this world instantly. That is not Joke. Listen, everybody, living in this world now should think seriously that after the USA dropped the two atomic bombs on Japan, 79 years have passed already. That was once upon a time. For 79 years, high technologies have progressed at a tremendously high speed. Next atomic bombing is extremely very dangerous. Israel should not drop the atomic bomb over the heads of lovely Palestinian babies and children. Otherwise, Israel will disappear from this world instantly accepting high technology-applied atomic bombs from other countries as revenge. Only the Japanese well know the power of the nuclear bombs used 79 years ago. The USA developed the country using guns, machine guns, cannons, bombardment of land by warships, aerial bombings, and atomic bombs but these cannot be used at all today. Just now, day after day, the USA has been destroying from the inside of the country at high speed because the USA cannot use its weapons against other countries’ people like before. Today, after seeing the inside of the USA, an uncountable number of miserable homeless and drug addicts are confused in every big city Los Angeles, New York San Francisco, Kensington, etc. Seeing YouTube, everyone in the world must admit the sad destruction of the USA.
The number of people killed by guns in the USA in 2022 is 48,117 (Centers for Disease Control and `Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics) The number of people killed by guns in 2022 in Japan
is 4 (Japanese Government Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) The number of homeless in the USA in 2023 is 653,104 (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) The number of homeless in Japan in 2023 is 3,065 (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
I am Japanese and cannot speak English. Sorry, I am using Japanese English in writing. 乱筆 、お許しください。米国の、皆様のご健康と、ご多幸をお祈り申し上げます
27 تعليق
Acabad con los judéogenocidas de israel.
اصحابه انذال ولارب الكعبه ما يصير اسير بيد الصهاينه ولو ما بقي راس ياما حياة بعز ولا موت من بعده شرف تحيا الجمهوريه اليمنيه

اللة يخرب بيت اليهود


الله اكبر
علي طالب مهدي يذبحون اهانه حكومه كرديه صهيونية واتسغله فوائد حسين ابنهم حسين صلاح
أنوار شاروخان مينا ألمغريب أن دمي فيليساطين بيروح بيدم نافاذيك ياشاهين فيليساطين ئيراحل ئيسارائيل وائيماريك ئيراحل مين بيلبي فيليساطين هاذي بيلذ فيليساطين ليسات بيلذ ئيسارائيل ألقبيحين وامكروهين ئيرحل مين بيلذ فيليساطين ماساكينا بيروح بيدم نافاذيك ياشاهين ناحانو ماع فيليساطين

حسابوناأااله وانيعاماألواكيل الله يخوظ ألحق فيئيسارائيل واأمريك الله يخوظ ألحق في ألخوان واظولم ليفيليساطين ماساكينا حاسابونا الله وانيعاماألواكيل خوثانا ألموساليمين واش أنتوم لكوم شاراف الله مبق غير سايبا الله غير ينوظ أسايبا في العالم كله تكناث بتنوظ أسايبا في العالم مبق والو مين لي كول شاياذ هاذ كول ألخواظات واشانو شانو حنا علاهاذ أظهيرا مينا أسايبا في فيليساطين ماساكينا

Masa lawan pria tangan kosong gak malu idf
هاي الشجاعه
They will never change. Their while existence is about hating Jews. They have never inproved tgeir own lives – nor didxanything for humanity. In every country rhey go , from Jordan to Lebanon they only destroy those societies. The world is a better pkace withoyt Palestinians.
Allah yahfzkum Allah Yahfzl kuds Yarebbbbbbbbbb
El ejército de dios es este ,que ridícules .el ejército de dios está en el cielo
There is no problem among the people of the world, the big problem is some leaders
The number of people killed by guns in the USA in 2022 is 48,117 (Centers for Disease Control and `Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics) The number of people killed by guns in 2022 in Japan
is 4 (Japanese Government Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) The number of homeless in the USA in 2023 is 653,104 (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) The number of homeless in Japan in 2023 is 3,065 (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
The USA was built only 248 years ago after killing 95% of native American families by white-skinned poor Europeans using guns and stealing big land from California to Florida without payment of even one dollar. The USA is the first country to use atomic bombs over the heads of an uncountable number of Japanese babies and children in Hiroshima city and Nagasaki city. During the Second World War, Japan experienced indiscriminate bombing from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Tokyo was attacked by a total number of B29 4,900 and 130 times dropped an uncountable number of bombs,389,000 incendiary bombs, and 11,000 bombs over the heads of the civilians just before the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings. Hiroshima city population was 350,000 at that time. The number of instants killed was 140,000 and the number of injuries was 79,130. Total number of instants killed and injured was 219,130. The heavy bomber B29 dropped the uranium atomic bomb 10,000 meters high, and the uranium exploded 600 meters above the people. Nagasaki’s population was 240,000 at that time. The number of instants killed was 73,884 and the number of injuries was 74,909. Total number of instants killed and injured was 148,793. The heavy bomber B29 dropped the plutonium atomic bomb 10,000 meters high, and the plutonium exploded 500 meters above the people. Most people were civilians, children, babies, and women. Please do not drop the atomic bombs over the heads of lovely Palestinian babies and children like the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings using uranium and plutonium. Historically, the USA experienced the attack once on 9/11 in 2001 in New York until today. American people talk about it exaggeratedly on television and mass media many times. America should experience an atomic bombing once not a childish tiny 9/11 attack, as the first time the country has used the atomic bombs in human history. The USA dropped two different kinds of atomic bombs Uranium and Plutonium on the head of an uncountable number of lovely Japanese babies and children. The USA used the two different types of atomic bombs to testify of the two different bombs' abilities using many Japanese civilians as guinea pigs. At that time, the total number of Japanese civilians’ instant killed including many babies and children was 213,884. Just within one second 213,884 people were killed instantly. Instantly! !! Within one second!!! Within one second!!! Instantly!!! Many babies and children were killed instantly!!! Unbelievable! When the atomic bomb exploded at that time the temperature was 3,500 degrees. Iron melts by 1,500 degrees and the sun's surface is 6,000 degrees. Injured people 154,039 must spend hell experience for years till they die. After the dropping of the atomic bombs, everyone living in this world, 8,119,000,000 must keep silent until today for 79 years. Japan was built by the first emperor Jinmu 2,684 years ago. The USA was built 247 years ago after the slaughter of native American families. Today, it is true that Russia, China, North Korea, and other countries total 9 have 12,520 nuclear warheads and targets in every city in the USA including New York, Washington, etc. Only after the shooter pushes his finger on the button of a nuclear warhead, does every town in the USA disappear instantly from this world. If Israel dropped the atomic bomb over the heads of the lovely Palestinian babies and children at that time Israel and the USA would disappear from this world instantly. That is not Joke. Listen, everybody, living in this world now should think seriously that after the USA dropped the two atomic bombs on Japan, 79 years have passed already. That was once upon a time. For 79 years, high technologies have progressed at a tremendously high speed. Next atomic bombing is extremely very dangerous. Israel should not drop the atomic bomb over the heads of lovely Palestinian babies and children. Otherwise, Israel will disappear from this world instantly accepting high technology-applied atomic bombs from other countries as revenge. Only the Japanese well know the power of the nuclear bombs used 79 years ago. The USA developed the country using guns, machine guns, cannons, bombardment of land by warships, aerial bombings, and atomic bombs but these cannot be used at all today. Just now, day after day, the USA has been destroying from the inside of the country at high speed because the USA cannot use its weapons against other countries’ people like before. Today, after seeing the inside of the USA, an uncountable number of miserable homeless and drug addicts are confused in every big city Los Angeles, New York San Francisco, Kensington, etc. Seeing YouTube, everyone in the world must admit the sad destruction of the USA.
The number of people killed by guns in the USA in 2022 is 48,117 (Centers for Disease Control and `Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics) The number of people killed by guns in 2022 in Japan
is 4 (Japanese Government Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) The number of homeless in the USA in 2023 is 653,104 (The Department of Housing and Urban Development) The number of homeless in Japan in 2023 is 3,065 (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
I am Japanese and cannot speak English. Sorry, I am using Japanese English in writing. 乱筆 、お許しください。米国の、皆様のご健康と、ご多幸をお祈り申し上げます
فلسطين كثرت فيها الجريمة لحيا ضاعت…. رابح من عين البيضا الشرق الجزائر القب لاول إليهم
الله ينعل الحقار الحمد لله للموة واجب على البشر
الله ارحم علي إخواني
Free Palestine

ShoLawaT NABi Muhammad
What did these fascists want from these people?
No se si Dios tiene algo que ver pero resistir es de humanos . Demasiados Dioses para nada.
الله ينتقم منكم
Look Arab kings .
Free Palestina

Yahweh protects Israel. Sinwar sits in an armchair and dies how that going for hamas?