#gorlworld #salahandchantal #foodiebeauty #everydaymariam #foodiebeautychannel #foodiebeautyanimalabuser #foodiebeautyexpose #salah #kaibella #hijabi #muslimrevert #muslimah #livestream #reaction #morbidlyobese #kuwait #kuwaitcity #450lbs تبث Foodie Beauty بثًا مباشرًا للحديث عن الطعام وإزعاج حيواناتها الأليفة. إنها مملة للغاية لدرجة أننا نتحدث عن حساباتها القصيرة وقناة احتياطية محتملة قد تستخدمها لمضايقة الآخرين. لقد زعمت أنها كانت حسابًا صغيرًا في بث yo mama (يُزعم) وأظهر لي بريدًا إلكترونيًا تلقيته من هذا الاسم. لقمة. نراجع التغريدات والمقاطع ونتحدث عن جميع أنواع إشاعات GW☕️ انضم إلى هذه القناة للوصول إلى الامتيازات:
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13 تعليق

  1. She is mentally unbalanced. To sit down calmly and say what she said about FFG’s Mum makes her a scary Psychopath. Her minions will go her dirty work. I’d be reporting her

  2. I propose a black out on reviews or comments on Cutie. Let's all move on and touch grass on the numerous other creators YouTube has to offer. Please do not spread hate or unkind words to anyone anywhere anytime to anyone. Kindness costs zero. Blessed be.

  3. Work or whatever 😅 whatever is more like it, we know Salah doesn't hold down a job sleeping all day and gaming all night. She lies so many times in this stream over nonsense.

  4. so they spent $600 on a go pro to film those same sad camels? JFC she really has zero creativity or originality. her chat will be down to 100 people soon. and salah has big balls (figuratively, ofc) doing memberships on his channel. they are broke broke! it must kill them that ffg made like $5000 on the two days after foodie’s attack. she could have made even more if she didn’t switch platforms, but she doesn’t need the $, unlike chantal.

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