أعلنت Blac Chyna أنها قامت بإلغاء تنشيط حساب OnlyFans الخاص بها بعد تحولها إلى المسيحية وتعميدها. منذ ذلك الحين، قررت أيضًا استخدام اسمها الأول، أنجيلا وايت. إنني أشيد حقًا بأنجيلا لتركها هذه الصناعة واستخدام منصتها من أجل الخير. كن عضوًا في DailyWire+ هنا: ضع إعجابًا واشترك للحصول على مقاطع فيديو جديدة. شاهد الحلقة الكاملة هنا: الحلقة 125 – شاهد “The Greatest Lie Sold Ever: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM” حصريًا على DailyWire+: احصل على بعض سلع “Yes We Candace”: #CandaceOwens #News #Politics #Culture #PopCulture # DailyWire #BlacChyna #AngelaWhite #Christian #Christianity #Convert #ChristianConvert #Celeb #Celebrity #CelebrityDrama #CandaceOwensPodcast |موقع قفشات


30 تعليق

  1. The people calling her a hypocrite need to get off their high horse. The whole point of faith is that humans make terrible mistakes. If you turn to God, honor Him, and ask Him for forgiveness, He will forgive you! She made a big ass mistake and is turning her life around. She is doing an amazing thing for herself and the people she may influence to do the same.

  2. Anyone that believes this is real is laughable. I’m assuming Angela probably knows she is being investigated for something (trafficking cough cough) amd she is doing this performance in hopes it will get her less hard time in the slammer because “she is a changed woman.” OF is the perfect grounds for a trafficker to operate from. She has already been accused of trafficking or at least being tied to traffickers. This woman is a hustler and you people are falling for it. Hustlers are dangerous because that is a skill you learn young for your own survival. It makes you a little sociopathic for sure. This woman is lying. To either rebrand and make more money OR she knows the FBI is looking into her for something.

  3. Never knew about this woman. So, naturally I searched her from google, and honestly, I really glad that she quit those botox and stuff. She’s looking way much better. And the thing that she started officially using her own name is adorable, actually her name is adorable. Angela White it literally says about a person who is delightful, pure and angelic. At least I associated. Maybe it’s just her PR teams new game for hype and attention. I don’t know.

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