تجلس ويندي ويليامز مع Blac Chyna في نظرة خاطفة على الفيلم الوثائقي المكون من جزأين، “Where Is Wendy Williams؟”، والذي سيُعرض لأول مرة في 24 فبراير على قناة Lifetime. تخبر نجمة الواقع، التي تُعرف الآن باسم أنجيلا وايت، مذيعة البرامج الحوارية بأنها تحبها في الدردشة العاطفية. |موقع قفشات
تجلس ويندي ويليامز مع Blac Chyna في نظرة خاطفة على الفيلم الوثائقي المكون من جزأين، “Where Is Wendy Williams؟”، والذي سيُعرض لأول مرة في 24 فبراير على قناة Lifetime. تخبر نجمة الواقع، التي تُعرف الآن باسم أنجيلا وايت، مذيعة البرامج الحوارية بأنها تحبها في الدردشة العاطفية. |موقع قفشات
25 تعليق
Well that’s not the real Wendy.
Wendy has passed on a long time ago.
and drunk.
a reminder that behind every behaviour you might find annoying is a person who needs hugs as much as anyone else
It’s sad that she’s trying to have a heartfelt conversation with the mother she never had. But the dementia has clearly gotten Wendy by now at this point. But I’m sure Wendy hears it all, she just can’t convey her responses properly.
Wendy goes back to Mars after the interview and lives ugly ever after……
Karma came back for her – shouldn’t have been so messy and maybe she wouldn’t have dementia
True friendship. Helping each other in the darkest time.
Omg… what happened to wendy…? I'm so sorry for her…
Windy william I have one advice for you. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Then find a good man of God to pray for you and you will be healed in the name that is above all name.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Hi Wendy can someone please let Wendy know a treatment for Lymphodrma a Japanese herb erap
She earned the right to be called Angela, because this was the most grown up I have ever seen her. Their friendship really touches me.
I love seeing her without that wig. I feel like I’m looking at an older family member
Where are her children?
Dang what happened to her.
From trinadad watching sin ce u on d public eye it's not good judging people on your show karma what go's around comes around my honor jus saying
What happened to Wendy
It’s so sad Mrs Wendy Williams get up don’t let this happen to you try holistic medicine there something to help you don’t allow this to happen to you fight sister you need a better team around you that cares for you health and situation instead being in your team and disrespect you non supportive your mind not gone you seem to have sense stop doing what you doing think about it I love you it’s got to be something to help your condition with prayer I love you Wendy Williams apologize and fight don’t give up on yourself take care yourself only you can do it

seems like she had moderate dementia cause she remembers her name and that she had a hubby
First off this is exploitation at its finest-That is bad. But remember she spent her life talking smack about anyone & everyone especially those celebrities who refused to come on her show. THEN she did not denounce trump when he bragged about grabbing women 's privates (that is when I denounced her) This documentary is a cautionary tale about Karma, WHATEVER it is you put out in life is EXACTLY what you are going to get back. She said SO many terrible TERRIBLE things about SO many people- I am not surprised at all of the magnitude of karma now hitting her.
Never was a huge fan of Wendy… but you can see in this state how sweet her soul is… praying for you Ms. Wendy
I love you Wendy
It breaks your heart to see Wendy's condition get worse
This part when she said that broke my heart prayers up to Wendy