انضم إلى فيكتور ديفيس هانسون والمضيف المشارك سامي وينك في الحلقة الأخيرة من برنامج فيكتور ديفيس هانسون، حيث يتعمقان في أهم أخبار الأسبوع، بما في ذلك ظهورات دونالد ترامب الأخيرة وتأثيرها على المشهد السياسي. يشارك فيكتور أيضًا أفكاره حول المناخ السياسي الحالي، والتحديات التي تواجه كامالا هاريس، والديناميكيات المتغيرة داخل الحزب الجمهوري. |موقع قفشات


29 تعليق

  1. I was part of a NR telephone reach out call with Jonah Goldberg
    Just befipore the 2016 primaries, B4 I wanted Trump
    I asked about Trump
    He totally degraded Trump
    Soon after NR went Never Trump
    I wrote Lowery and pointed out NRs hypocrisy
    And told him to shove NR
    I grew up on NR
    So now I am just like VDH
    And NR is trying to put their nose under the tent
    They still get crazy over J6
    On that just listen to Tucker

  2. Hello, Dr Hanson. I'd rather have said hello in a more civilized manner, but I came across this on Facebook today from Robert Reich, the socialist economist. I'm particularly concerned with his point 3, where he says governors replaced Congress as the arbiters of a close presidential election via a 2022 Bill. I totally missed this one; is it true? Sorry to bother you, but this is the most terrifying thing I believe I've ever seen if it is. I did the math. I sent the entire rant so you don't get anything out of context. I hope you'll look into this; I follow things pretty close and I never heard of it. Sounds like something they'd sneak past us, though, if they could.

    Love your shows, lectures, and courses. Thank you for what you do; I know I sure appreciate it. Please check out Reich's claim; I'm not sleeping well tonight over it. Thank you again.



    I’m hopeful that we’ll know by the morning of November 6 that Harris has the 270 votes necessary to win the Electoral College and the presidency. Assuming she wins, but the vote is extremely close in battleground states, what comes next? I see four possibilities:

    1. She wins by a wide enough margin that Trump concedes. Even if the Electoral College vote is close, she’ll almost certainly win the popular vote by more than 5 million (my guess is closer to 8 million). Because Trump isn’t president, he won’t have the tools he had in 2020 to try to manipulate the outcome. He’s exhausted and increasingly demented, so he relents (even while arguing that he won).

    2. So many counties and precincts are subject to rumors and suspicions of voter fraud that governors and legislatures in battleground states are unable to certify who won. Violence erupts. Trump voters march on state capitols and in Washington, demanding that Trump be certified and votes recounted and audited. Civil unrest consumes the nation. Everything is put on hold, including the January 6 certification.

    On the other hand, we saw no violence during Trump’s Manhattan trial, even though he predicted it and all but invited his followers to take to the streets. The convictions and imprisonments of many Trump loyalists who participated in the violence on January 6, 2021, may have served as a deterrent.

    3. Trump appeals the election in the Supreme Court. If the election is close in key battleground states, it seems likely that Trump and his team would spend November and December pressuring Republican state legislators in Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and North Carolina (where Republicans control both chambers of the state legislatures) to send to Congress slates of electors pledged to Trump.

    Harris, as vice president, would preside on January 6 when the votes of electors are certified. Presumably, she’d take note of the fact that Congress gave sole certification authority (under the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022) to governors, not to state legislatures. She’d therefore disregard the Trump slates.

    Trump would almost certainly appeal this to the Supreme Court, arguing that the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act is unconstitutional under Article II of the Constitution, because Congress cannot control state legislatures. What does the Supreme Court decide? Given its makeup, it’s not hard to guess.

    4. A contingent election. If no candidate gets the 270 electoral votes needed to be president, the 12th Amendment to the Constitution directs Congress to let the House of Representatives choose the president (and the Senate choose the vice president), with each state delegation getting one vote. Republicans control 26 state delegations; Democrats control 22, with two others evenly split. The GOP is favored to maintain that advantage, and Republicans would almost certainly choose to elect Trump president.

    These four don’t exhaust the range of possibilities that might occur after November 5, but I think they are the most likely.

    What’s your best guess for what occurs if Harris wins, but votes in key battleground states are extremely close? Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

  3. They are sick and tired, fed up of being knocked around out of bigotry, easily identified if you change a word or two in the perjorative phraseology — replace “white” with “black”, “men” with “women”. But that’s not why they are not voting for Biden or Harris. The most insulting thing politicians, who generally folks can’t stand anyway for being perpetual liars, can do to a potential constituent is treat them like they are stupid. What an insult. What Biden and Harris are selling is in plain-sight a contradiction to what they have done, as Harris would say “on day one”. As Harris said, “My values (and her ideology) have not changed.” Believe her. Does she expect men to believe 90 days before an election she magically changed 180 degrees on almost ever political topic, that they are not aware the country is majority center right and so the Left must pose center Left to get elected, as did both Obama and Biden, then both turned far Left, Biden all the way into Sanders Left territory? That Harris and the Democrat collective believes we would believe is the greatest insult.

  4. Maybe, if you can't handle the results of a democratic election, you are not cut out to live under a democratic form of government? The assumption is that democracy is the ideal form of government, but maybe it is too emotionally difficult to handle for many in the population? Food for thought.

  5. *Marine General and longest serving Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly says, Trump meets the “definition of a fascist” and would govern as a dictator if reelected.

    *General Mark Milley, Trump's chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, "I realize he’s a total fascist. He is the most dangerous person to this country.” "“A fascist to the core!”

    *Mark Esper, who served as secretary of Defense under Donald Trump, backed former colleague John Kelly’s recent remarks that he believes Trump meets the definition of a fascist.
    *Group of 10 retired generals, admirals announce support for Harris. Members, went on to describe Trump as a “danger to our national security and our democracy.”

  6. Trump this past week called for using the military against Americans who he defined as "enemies of the people", while naming House Representatives Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. Bill says Hitler used hatred to assume power. Trump calls Americans who oppose him the "enemies of the people." That phrase became well known in the 20th century when it was adopted by dictators from Stalin to Mao, and Nazi propagandists, to justify their murderous purges of millions. “Stalin originated the concept ‘enemy of the people’. It made possible the use of the cruelest repression, against anyone who in any way disagreed with Stalin. Trump is using that very phrase.

    Trump has said we should terminate the Constitution. He has Trump's made threats to take away the licenses from the major media networks, which would violate our freedoms of the press and freedom of speech. He has praised Chinese President Xi for making himself president for life, and said we should try that here too. He has said he would be a dictator. He used his version of the brown shirts on Jan. 6th. If is walks like a duck and sounds like a duck and looks like a duck. It is probably a duck!

  7. I really love this show it is my favorite one the host asked all the right questions and I know I can go to the track with everything that said here it's all the truth and very sad to say that our countries in bad shape right now this woke ideology is doing a great deal of damage but like any other fad and we will as a United group that is now a movement will send the Right leader to Washington DC to put and make things right!!!!!

  8. Sorry, I don’t buy the yelling out about Jesus being lord at a radical left political rally. It was done to provoke the response they got as another way to expose Kamala. I don’t believe they were motivated by their faith. It’s the effect they would have expected. None of this impresses me because I know her low character. If she were more aware of her position, she’d have made some far less revealing response.

  9. With her coming from a white/irish/jewish slave owning family I don't see how she can gaslight Israelis or blacks or whites. She is such a fraud, she makes ol scranton joe look like a much more viable candidate. She is terrible in every way.

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