الموسم الحالي من غارات النقابة، Rucersingha! #BraveNine #BrownDust #GuitarRock إذا استمتعت بمشاهدة المحتوى الخاص بي وترغب في دعمي، يمكنك القيام بذلك من خلال الرابط أدناه: Twitter – تابعني على Twitch – قناة Discord: Facebook: للاستفسارات التجارية: Guitarrockfwt@gmail.com |موقع قفشات
الموسم الحالي من غارات النقابة، Rucersingha! #BraveNine #BrownDust #GuitarRock إذا استمتعت بمشاهدة المحتوى الخاص بي وترغب في دعمي، يمكنك القيام بذلك من خلال الرابط أدناه: Twitter – تابعني على Twitch – قناة Discord: Facebook: للاستفسارات التجارية: Guitarrockfwt@gmail.com |موقع قفشات
23 تعليق
I remember when the game started and everyone was using 4* characters than could knock players back. I thought that was cool
Since she have taunt on her Potential Liberation the meta might really be change. well buffing teamates when hit is kinda Fine tho
Eh Loli in the start of the video no HUGE? :O whaa
Finally new dark phy. so long elaneer
I only buy dupes with Powder of Hope. We get materials in events and its not even a crazy boost in stats
Seir possui Provocar. Você precisa desperta-la.
I don’t think Luciana will have a 1-turn cooldown; it won’t be her first costume
Every update this game is 1 step closer to hentai
Time to save for that DELICIOUS Nebris costume, if you know what I mean
Ma upgrading gear in this game is soo expensive. Why they made gear tiers

Seir does have taunt, it's just part of her libertions instead of base kit, which is kinda sad when most if not all the other tanks have a built in taunt in their kit
Okay, it's time to stock up for Nightmare Eclipse and Masquerade Celia!!!
There is only one definition as to what P2W is. "If there are ANY advantages that P2W can have over the F2P player.
It's pay to win.
All gacha games are P2W to some extent. It just depends on how extreme it is.
I think Snowbreak did it the best with their interactions. There are no gameplay advantages, and if you want extra fan service (the reason most players play these games anyway) you got it.
+ Snowbreaks revenue skyrocketed since they released interactions.
make the MC great again
Got Nebris from powder shop because your recomendation and she carried me on pack 13 hard
wtf do you mean let you know which one I like…
very funny but does a man only eat 25% of his sandwich? Does he only work on 25% of his truck? Does he only pay 25% of his wife’s overpriced meals? I didn’t think so. I’ll be taking 100% of this waifu collection as god intended and someone else going to pay for it 
Yes,glad they did that for seir. Hope they take that route with the other defender/healer characters and give them buff/debuff alternative costumes.
cool nebris!
Is there a costume i should be saving for ?
Extremely good meta and wife refi

I love office lady waifus but have to save for bunnies rerun soon. Hopefully I get lucky from daily pulls. Happy about a new character pack overall.
Is the +5 Rou they given out last time supposed to be with the fireworks event?