Onlyfans is the cancer that keeps spreading and keeps people hooked on like drugs. It’s the worse invention but again some it’s a way out but for others it’s quick money but then comes regret
I'm OF model for 5 years. I just typed out a whole paragraph on how this clip is extremely misleading and just wants everyone to have a negative view on sex work, but I deleted it because I realize that no matter what I say, people will ALWAYS have a negative view on sex work. Have a good day working your 9-5 everyone!
FACT: American females are brain damaged for life by social media dating apps their religion called feminism and of course by their own self importance they are the least desired females in the entire world and no one wants them except for the Simps Chad Tyrons and Pookies of America as for marriage ROFL did their leftist pals in the communist democrap party change the divorce laws to give men a fair shake ? The answer is NO so Dating and Marriage are definitely off the table they are Pump and Dumps only.
Tbh they promote each other with kind of advertising "she just turn 18, come to see." And this is so wrong. It's like a Ponzy pyramidal where the ones already there are promoting the new coming, aka young chicks who just turn 18 to do same than they do. After few years doing so and a sleep totally disturbed to match the night life customers they suffered of deep lack of sleep, they face reptilian conversation all day long, aka conversation without any moral boundaries. How to do not make a depression after that. I guess many will suffer depression, many barely earn enough to pay their bills. They end their OF career broke.
Dancing with the devil for riches always comes with a heavy price. It's the same lie Satan tempted Jesus with 2000 years ago. It's only packaged a little differently today and on a smaller scale.
“Again, the devil took Him (Jesus) up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” – Matthew 4:8-9
S3x work is devastating to your mental health. You need to really, REALLY think about what you’re getting yourself into before doing it. And no one under the age of 25 should be allowed to enter that industry. Those photos and videos will be on the internet forever. No amount of money is worth it
These girls that people look up to? Is that girl delusional? Men just want to see them naked and masturbate to it. They are just objects. No one respects them at all.
Wait until your son/daughter's friends find out his/her mother was doin onlyfan. Can't go to school anymore and stressful, worst case is commiting suicidal
The Metoo TikTok Bimbos OnlyFans Hos Dried up 304s and Good year blimps are not going through a dating and marriage crisis at all. They are going through a transfer of wealth crisis. No dating means no marriage. No marriage means no divorce. No divorce means no alimony and child support.Poetic justice.Kiss your disposable income and retirement plans goodbye MGTOW4LIFE Get Used To it you brought it on yourselves ladies and men no longer care enjoy your cheap box wine cats and the wall you all earned it !
Because a only fans girl is a internet prostitute and who wants a prostitute as a girlfriend??? She is literally waiting everyday for the guy with the most money to throw up. Disturbing and disgusting
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00:21 “permerting”? Is that an Britishized-Americanized way of saying “promoting”?
I feel nothing for these ppl. Hmmmmm do shady stuff online just for $ then feel empty inside. No shit, what did you think was going to happen?
Onlyfans is the cancer that keeps spreading and keeps people hooked on like drugs. It’s the worse invention but again some it’s a way out but for others it’s quick money but then comes regret
I'm OF model for 5 years. I just typed out a whole paragraph on how this clip is extremely misleading and just wants everyone to have a negative view on sex work, but I deleted it because I realize that no matter what I say, people will ALWAYS have a negative view on sex work. Have a good day working your 9-5 everyone!
Whats the Asian girl of?
I would be disappointed if my daughter was a horrrr
I feel hardly sorry for those women.
This is why so many female porn stars killed themselves
I love laughing at sad OF creators
Very sad!!!
A referral system is just disgusting!
Info asean third girl ?
FACT: American females are brain damaged for life by social media dating apps their religion called feminism and of course by their own self importance they are the least desired females in the entire world and no one wants them except for the Simps Chad Tyrons and Pookies of America as for marriage ROFL did their leftist pals in the communist democrap party change the divorce laws to give men a fair shake ? The answer is NO so Dating and Marriage are definitely off the table they are Pump and Dumps only.
If you support this industry you are hurting a lot of people. You are complicit in some of the worst crimes on the planet.
Self destruction because of insecurity. It's awful.
Out of the 100s of sex workers I know NONE of them are miserable
Tbh they promote each other with kind of advertising "she just turn 18, come to see." And this is so wrong. It's like a Ponzy pyramidal where the ones already there are promoting the new coming, aka young chicks who just turn 18 to do same than they do. After few years doing so and a sleep totally disturbed to match the night life customers they suffered of deep lack of sleep, they face reptilian conversation all day long, aka conversation without any moral boundaries. How to do not make a depression after that. I guess many will suffer depression, many barely earn enough to pay their bills. They end their OF career broke.
Only fans needs to be investigated for selling sex and harming women and young women
Dancing with the devil for riches always comes with a heavy price. It's the same lie Satan tempted Jesus with 2000 years ago. It's only packaged a little differently today and on a smaller scale.
“Again, the devil took Him (Jesus) up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.” – Matthew 4:8-9
S3x work is devastating to your mental health. You need to really, REALLY think about what you’re getting yourself into before doing it. And no one under the age of 25 should be allowed to enter that industry. Those photos and videos will be on the internet forever. No amount of money is worth it
She's literally telling everybody her parents failed and she'd do the same.. Just sad…
She's bashing onlyfans she M herself wearing revealing showing cleavage. What a joke. Be modest then tak
Porn industry act like women can earn more money than men only if you are a sex worker
Every woman on OF claims to be in the top 1% of "creators". Feel like OF is lying to them about that.
Why you'll ain't got no respect for yourself or the people that cared about you
Why you'll ain't got no respect for yourself or the people that cared about you
No one can tell women what to do in this country. They will ultimately blame men for their stupid choices.
Fun fact: OF CEO is a woman.
Sad times we live in

Mia Khalifa seems pretty fucked up in the head following her porn career
These girls that people look up to? Is that girl delusional? Men just want to see them naked and masturbate to it. They are just objects. No one respects them at all.
Is the op a trans? Asking for a friend.
Oh noour Australians no is a classic
Put your butthole on the internet

I’m so proud of my daughter you want to see my daughters butthole said no father ever 

Wait until your son/daughter's friends find out his/her mother was doin onlyfan. Can't go to school anymore and stressful, worst case is commiting suicidal
Amy would be so hot if she was Mute.
Maybe I should do
and still pretty much still broke 
Only fans I already feel dead inside
Of course you would support her, you probably do Porn too

so if it destroyes them how can men watch it and feel good…
The Metoo TikTok Bimbos OnlyFans Hos Dried up 304s and Good year blimps are not going through a dating and marriage crisis at all. They are going through a transfer of wealth crisis. No dating means no marriage. No marriage means no divorce. No divorce means no alimony and child support.Poetic justice.Kiss your disposable income and retirement plans goodbye MGTOW4LIFE Get Used To it you brought it on yourselves ladies and men no longer care enjoy your cheap box wine cats and the wall you all earned it !
Because a only fans girl is a internet prostitute and who wants a prostitute as a girlfriend???
She is literally waiting everyday for the guy with the most money to throw up.
Disturbing and disgusting
Why sagen so viele DAS Kommentar
People can do whatever the F they want to do, just don't cry about the consequences and the outcome