أنجيلا وايت، المعروفة سابقًا باسم بلاك شينا، تطمئن ابنتها دريم كارداشيان على عدم الأمان في مقطع جميل على إنستغرام. لاحظت نجمة تلفزيون الواقع قلق طفلتها البالغة من العمر 7 سنوات بشأن حجم جبهتها، وسرعان ما ذكّرتها بحب الذات. |موقع قفشات


36 تعليق

  1. Her daughter is beautiful, cones from the Kardashian gens.
    Maybe Black China says she is beautiful, but children looks at their parents, and if her mom had 30 plastic surgeries, she sees her obsession about her looks.

  2. Imagine a 7-year-old having any idea that a forehead can be too big. Look at the amount of work her mother has had done and how over-made-up she is… actions speak louder than words. This kid has already learned vanity and insecurity (I don't know a 7-year-old with any conception of how big their forehead should be), and she's on her way to exhibitionism and performing to others. No kudos to this mum for her self-serving video – she is not even aware enough to realize that her daughter should have no conception of ideal beauty and forehead size. smh

  3. Angela did such a great job at being reassuring and encouraging to Dream. As someone who actually has what others have called a "big forehead" and even a "high forehead" as a child by some (not all) of the adults in my life. I really wish I had been told something like that. Rob and Angela have such a beautiful child. I've said this before and I'll say it again Kris Jenner has some of the cutest grandchildren.

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